Karma Pakshi,1204/6–1283
Volume: 3
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:1-37
English Title:
The Infinitely Arranged Spiritual Biography of the Master Mahasiddha Karma Pakshi
Short description:
Part of Karma Pakshi's biography.
Volume: 3
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:37-51
English Title:
Mongolian Spiritual Biography of the Precious Karmapa
Short description:
Part of Karma Pakshi's biography.
Volume: 3
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:51-69
English Title:
Spiritual Autobiography: Blazing Brilliant Light Vanquishing the Malevolent Ones
Short description:
Part of Karma Pakshi's autobiography.
Volume: 3
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:69-85
English Title:
Spiritual Autobiography: Inconceivable Number of Signs and Miracles
Short description:
Part of Karma Pakshi's autobiography.
Volume: 3
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:85-103
English Title:
Spiritual Autobiography: Building Statues of the Buddha, the Ornament of the World
Short description:
Part of Karma Pakshi's autobiography.
Volume: 3
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:103-127
English Title:
Karmapa's Spiritual Autobiography: The Testament
Short description:
Part of Karma Pakshi's autobiography.
Volume: 3
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:127-195
English Title:
Spiritual Autobiography: Realising the Three Times as Timeless and Prologue to the Completion of Great Powers
Short description:
Part of Karma Pakshi's autobiography.
Volume: 3
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:195-215
English Title:
Autobiography Called "Innate Wisdom" that Reveals Karmapa's Future Intentions
Short description:
Part of Karma Pakshi's autobiography.
Volume: 3
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:215-249
English Title:
Spiritual Biography of the Precious Lama Karmapa
Short description:
Part of Karma Pakshi's autobiography.
Volume: 3
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:249-341
English Title:
Spiritual Biography of the Glorious Dharma Master Karmapa – The Inconceivable Great Divine Drum
Short description:
Part of Karma Pakshi's autobiography.
Volume: 3
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:341-351
English Title:
Stories of Former Lives Presented as a Secret Offering
Short description:
Part of Karma Pakshi's autobiography.
Volume: 3
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:351-371
English Title:
General Long Responses
Short description:
Answers from the 2nd Karmapa, Karma Pakshi.
Volume: 3
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:371-380
English Title:
First Part of the Long-life Ritual
Short description:
Subchapter of spyi lan ring mo.
Volume: 3
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:380-387
English Title:
Advice for Approaching an Illness as a Path
Short description:
Subchapter of spyi lan ring mo.
Volume: 3
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:387-390
English Title:
Stroke Curing (Practice) of Innate Lady
Short description:
Subchapter of spyi lan ring mo.
Volume: 3
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:390-399
English Title:
Protection Circle and Instructions of the One-faced Vajrayogini
Short description:
Subchapter of spyi lan ring mo.
Volume: 3
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:399-402
English Title:
Key to the Essential Points of Winds and Mind
Short description:
Subchapter of spyi lan ring mo.
Volume: 3
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:402-405
English Title:
Essential Instructions on the Oral Transmission of Tilopa's Dialogue with the Glorious Wisdom Dakini – Intermediate State Immediate Cutting
Short description:
Subchapter of spyi lan ring mo.
Volume: 3
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:405-485
English Title:
Infinite Ocean of Oral Instructions
Short description:
Encyclopedic set of teachings on the nine vehicles.
Volume: 3
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:485-567
English Title:
Infinite Ocean of Profound Dharmas
Short description:
Classification of dharmas
Volume: 4
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:1-512
English Title:
Grammar and Logic of Eternal Heaven
Short description:
Treatise on theory of validity and Sanskrit grammar.
Volume: 5
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:1-275
English Title:
Infinite Ocean of Dialogues – All-encompassing Realisation Which Appeared From the Questions of the Glorious Manjushri
Volume: 5
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:275-285
English Title:
Structure of the Tripitaka
Volume: 5
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:285-365
English Title:
Structure of the Infinite Ocean of Teachings on Sutras
Volume: 5
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:365-475
English Title:
Paramita of Wisdom Thoroughly Analysed
Volume: 5
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:475-543
English Title:
Concise Summary of the Infinite Ocean of Excellence
Short description:
Abridged version of the Infinite Ocean of Perfections concerning the stages of training.
Volume: 6
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:1-391
English Title:
Infinite Ocean of Complete Nirvana – Ascertainment of All the Phenomena
Volume: 6
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:391-513
English Title:
Infinite Ocean of Sutras
Volume: 6
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:513-580
English Title:
Infinite Ocean of Vishnu
Short description:
Scripture distinguishing between Buddhist and non-Buddhist tenets
Volume: 7
Location(volume of author: pages): 5:1-397
English Title:
Infinite Ocean of Teachings
Volume: 7
Location(volume of author: pages): 5:397-479
English Title:
Structure of the Infinite Ocean of Teachings on Anuyoga
Volume: 7
Location(volume of author: pages): 5:479-508
English Title:
Infinite Ocean of Teachings on Empowerments
Volume: 8
Location(volume of author: pages): 6:1-279
English Title:
General Scripture on All Paths Which Emanated from the Great Anuyoga Scripture Taken from the Infinite Ocean of the Teachings of the Five Teachers
Short description:
Scripture systematising all Buddhist and non-Buddhist philosophical positions
Volume: 8
Location(volume of author: pages): 6:279-489
English Title:
Infinite Ocean of Arranged Together Explanatory Scriptures
Volume: 8
Location(volume of author: pages): 6:489-532
English Title:
Infinite Ocean of Philosophical Positions
Volume: 8
Location(volume of author: pages): 7:1-157
English Title:
Buddha's Great Words of Blessing from the Infinite Ocean of Teachings
Volume: 9
Location(volume of author: pages): 7:159-473
English Title:
Explanations on the Infinite Ocean of Teachings, the Limitless Ocean of Perfections
Volume: 9
Location(volume of author: pages): 7:475-531
English Title:
Secret Infinite Ocean Descriminating the Explanations of Sarma, Nyingma and Others
Short description:
Teachings on Mahayoga tradition of old and new tantras
Volume: 9
Location(volume of author: pages): 7:533-539
English Title:
Root Tantra on Ignorance and Delusion
Short description:
Teachings on ignorance and delusion based on Guhyagarbha Tantra
Volume: 9
Location(volume of author: pages): 7:539-555
English Title:
Structure of the Six Paths
Volume: 10
Location(volume of author: pages): 8:1-173
English Title:
Infinite Ocean of Three Outer Tantras Made to Systematise the Objectives of the Kriya, Charya and Yogatantra
Short description:
On the three outer tantras: Kriya-, Carya- and Yogatantra.
Volume: 10
Location(volume of author: pages): 8:175-191
English Title:
Scripture on Original Sanskrit Titles: All That is Contained in Father Tantras, Mother Tantras and Tantras of Inseparability of Methods and Wisdom
Short description:
Correct spelling of Sanskrit tantra titles in Tibetan works.
Volume: 10
Location(volume of author: pages): 8:191-275
English Title:
Scripture on the Wish-fulfilling Jewel of the Dakinis (name of Dakini)
Volume: 10
Location(volume of author: pages): 8:275-533
English Title:
Infinite Ocean of Subdivisions of Mahayoga in the Sarma Schools – Accepted as the Great Section of Anuttaratantra of Secret Tantras
Short description:
Mahayoga of the new schools.