Rolpe Dorje,1340–1383
Volume: 24
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:1-122
English Title:
Spiritual Biography of the Incomparable Glorious Lama – The Clear Mirror of Inexhaustible Qualities
Short description:
Spiritual biography of the 4th Karmapa Rolpé Dorje.
Volume: 24
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:122-137
English Title:
Spiritual Biography and Writings of the Dharma Master Rolpé Dorje
Short description:
Spiritual biography and teachings of the 4th Karmapa Rolpé Dorje.
Volume: 24
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:137-189
English Title:
Spiritual Biography of the Excellent and Glorious Lama
Short description:
Spiritual biography of the 4th Karmapa Rolpé Dorje.
Volume: 24
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:189-195
English Title:
Treatise Written in Verse that Purifies Bad Views
Short description:
Teaching on how to eliminate bad views.
Volume: 24
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:195-201
English Title:
Investigation of the Essential Nature of the Types of Causes - The Vow of Buddha's Words and Their Explanations
Volume: 24
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:201-206
English Title:
Detailed Analysis of Samsara
Volume: 24
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:206-223
English Title:
Concise Reasoning Refuting the Arising from the Four Possibilities
Short description:
Logical treatise refuting the four ways things are thought to arise (Tib. mu bzhi, Skt. catuskoti, Eng. tetralemma).
Volume: 24
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:223-266
English Title:
Commentary on the Root Text "The Great Bundle of Precepts on Chöd, the Oral Instructions on Prajnaparamita" – The Multiplication of the Jewel That Increases (Wealth) as One Desires
Short description:
Commentary on a Prajnaparamita text.
Volume: 24
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:266-280
English Title:
Jewel Garland of Essential Instructions of Venerable Vajrayogini – The Wishfulfilling Tree