Chödrak Gyatso,1454–1506
Volume: 29
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:1-59
English Title:
Section of Prophecies About the Precious Kagyü Masters from "The Spiritual Biography of the All-Knowing Dharma Master"
Short description:
Prophecies from many sutras and tantras, starting with Manjusri Root Tantra.
Volume: 29
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:59-67
English Title:
The Spiritual Biography of the Karmapa's Nirmanakaya Chödrak Gyamtso
Volume: 29
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:67-221
English Title:
The Spiritual Biography of Rangjung Künkhyen Tsokyé Dorjé Mipam Chökyi Gyelpo
Short description:
Spiritual biogpraphy of the Seventh Karmapa.
Volume: 29
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:223-230
English Title:
Way of Successive Rebirths of the Karmapa Lineage
Short description:
The system of the successive lineage of the Karmapas. The text provides the bone tree, e.g. family tree, data of birth place, father's and mother's name, birth year starting from Düsum Khyenpa (untill the present Karmapa). It quotes, for example, from the Laṅkāvatārasūtra and Abhidharma sources. At the end, in a few sentences, it mentions the regency of Shamar Rinpoche.
Volume: 29
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:231-415
English Title:
The Record of Things Filling the Buddha Statue, the Ornament of the World Gloriously Blazing Goodness, at the Great Seat of the Glorious Karmapa – Clear Mirror
Short description:
List of precious materials filling the Buddha statue in Tsurpu.
Volume: 29
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:417-435
English Title:
Edict to Be Proclaimed to the Whole Country – The Great Official Letter
Volume: 29
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:435-451
English Title:
Verses to Pay Homage to the Previous Lives of Bhagavat
Short description:
Previous lives of Buddha.
Volume: 29
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:451-461
English Title:
Collected Words on Mahamudra - Small Collection of Tantric Scriptures and Their Propagation
Short description:
Quotes from different tantras.
Volume: 29
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:463-475
English Title:
Presentation of the Ground, Path, and Fruition Instructed by the Seventh Victorious One to Trashi Penjor, his Nephew from Denma
Short description:
Instructions to a teacher of the Eighth Karmapa.
Volume: 29
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:477-492
English Title:
Mahamudra Advice Granted by the Seventh King of the Victorious Ones
Volume: 29
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:493-691
English Title:
Indivisibility of Wind and Mind
Short description:
Unity of wind and mind of the Six Dharmas of Naropa.
Volume: 29
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:691-708
English Title:
Brief Classification of the Three Vows
Short description:
Vinaya manual.
Volume: 30
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:1-71
English Title:
Great Aspiration Prayer for Auspicious Times
Short description:
Prayer performed during festivals and religious holidays.
Volume: 30
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:73-165
English Title:
Ritual Procedures of the Three Grounds
Short description:
The three grounds refer to the bases of the Vinaya or monastic behaviour.
Volume: 30
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:165-192
English Title:
Visualisation Guide of All Five Deities of Jinasagara
Short description:
Visualisation guide on Red Avalokiteshvara, Ocean of Conquerors (Tibetan: chen re zi gyal wa gya tso. Sanskrit: Avalokiteshvara Jinasagara): a special meditational deity of the Karma Kagyu (Kamtsangpa) School, known as the Five Deity Jinasagara, originating from the 'Revealed Treasure' tradition of the Nyingma School.
Volume: 30
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:192-198
English Title:
Correct Practice of Sequence of Rituals
Short description:
Subchapter of rGyal ba rgya mtsho lha lnga dgu'i mngon rtogs.
Volume: 30
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:198-211
English Title:
Purifying Obscurations Through Avalokiteshvara
Short description:
Subchapter of rGyal ba rgya mtsho lha lnga dgu'i mngon rtogs.
Volume: 30
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:211-227
English Title:
Empowerment Ritual of Jinasagara
Short description:
Subchapter of rGyal ba rgya mtsho lha lnga dgu'i mngon rtogs.
Volume: 30
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:227-231
English Title:
Torma Empowerment of the Dharmakaya Jinasagara
Short description:
Subchapter of rGyal ba rgya mtsho lha lnga dgu'i mngon rtogs.
Volume: 30
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:231-310
English Title:
Meaning of the Mahayoga Tantra called "The Glorious Guhyasamaja" – The Illuminating Lamp
Volume: 30
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:311-365
English Title:
Offering Ritual to Please the Deities of the Glorious Guhyasamaja's Mandala
Short description:
Offering ritual.
Volume: 30
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:365-379
English Title:
Notes on the Protective Mandala of the Glorious Guhyasamaja
Short description:
Description of visualisation of deities in the mandala of Guhyasamaja based on different sources.
Volume: 30
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:379-492
English Title:
The Practice of the Bhagavat, Sarvavid-Vairochana and Medium Mandala Ritual
Short description:
Abreviated version of the practice of Künrik and the liturgical procedure of mandala offering.
Volume: 30
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:493-509
English Title:
Annotated "Gurupanchashika"
Short description:
Annotated "Fifty Verses on How to Rely on the Lama".
Volume: 30
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:509-528
English Title:
Infinite Ocean of Samayas
Short description:
Samayas of vajrayana. Commentary of Third Karmapa's work.
Volume: 31
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:1-124
English Title:
Collected Works of the Precious Dharma Master All-knowing Karmapa, the Self-arisen All-knowing Dharma King and Compilation of Miscellanies – The Jewel Garland, Volume One
Short description:
Numerous quotations from the Seventh Karmapa.
Volume: 31
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:124-160
English Title:
Sections on Talks and Letters
Short description:
Subchapter of the first volume of the Jewel Garland.
Volume: 31
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:160-538
English Title:
Praise to the Bhagavat Protector Manjughosha
Short description:
Part of the "Section on Talks and Letters" that starts on page 124. The catalogue is not complete.
Volume: 32
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:1-528
English Title:
Collected Works of the Precious Dharma Master All-knowing Karmapa, the Self-arisen All-knowing Dharma King and Compilation of Miscellanies – The Jewel Garland, Volume Two
Short description:
Numerous quotations from the Seventh Karmapa.
Volume: 33
Location(volume of author: pages): 5:1-602
English Title:
Stream of All Well-explained Pramana – Ocean of Scriptural Traditions of Complete Collected Knowledge, Volume One
Short description:
Detailed commentary on Dharmakirti's Pramanavarttika with extensive references to Dignaga's Pramanasamuccaya.
Volume: 34
Location(volume of author: pages): 6:1-610
English Title:
Stream of All Well-explained Pramana – Ocean of Scriptural Traditions of Complete Collected Knowledge, Volume Two
Short description:
Detailed commentary on Dharmakirti's Pramanavarttika with extensive references to Dignaga's Pramanasamuccaya.
Volume: 35
Location(volume of author: pages): 7:1-624
English Title:
Stream of All Well-explained Pramana – Ocean of Scriptural Traditions of Complete Collected Knowledge, Volume Three
Short description:
Detailed commentary on Dharmakirti's Pramanavarttika with extensive references to Dignaga's Pramanasamuccaya.
Indian Mahamudra Texts
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:1-9
English Title:
King of Tantras, The Glorious Stainless One
Short description:
Skt. Śrī-anāvilatantrarāja (O 58). References: On the rgya gzhung as a corpus see Mathes, Klaus-Dieter. 2011. ‘The Collection of ‘Indian Mahāmudrā Works’ (phyag chen rgya gzhung) Compiled by the Seventh Karma pa Chos grags rgya mtsho’. In Mahāmudrā and the bKa’-brgyud Tradition (PIATS 2006: Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the Eleventh Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Königswinter 2006; vol. 25), ed. Roger R. Jackson & Matthew T. Kapstein, 89–127. Königswinter: International Association for Tibetan Studies
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:9-37
English Title:
Commentary on The Great King of The Glorious Stainless Yoga Tantra
Short description:
Skt. Śrī-anāvilayogatantramahārājapañjikā (O 2334) by Kumāracandra
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:37-121
English Title:
The Glorious Establishing of Secrets
Short description:
Skt. Śrī-guhyasiddhi (T 2217, O 3061) by Padmavajra. One of the "7 Texts of Attainment" (Grub pa sde bdun). This seven texts constitute a rather early formation of closely related texts that are emphasising and displaying diffeent facerts of the Mhaāmudrā doctrine. References: 1. edited by Samdhong Rinpoche and Vajravallabh Dwivedi, Sarnath 1987, In Guhyādi-Aṣṭasiddhi-saṅgraha (Gsan ba grub pa la sogs pa'i grub pa sde brgyad). 2. studied In Krug, Adam Charles. 2018b. The Seven Siddhi Texts: The Oḍiyāna Mahāmudrā Lineage in its Indic and Tibetan Contexts. Santa Barbara: University of California (Dissertation).
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:121-147
English Title:
Establishing the Ascertainment of Methods and Wisdom
Short description:
Skt. Prajñopāyaviniścayasiddhi (T 2218, O 3062) by Anaṅgavajra (Lag med pa'i rdo rje; student od Padmavajra). One of the "7 Texts of Attainment" (Grub pa sde bdun). References: 1-2, See dpal gsang ba grub pa; 3. edited by Battacharyya, Baroda 1929, In Two Vajrayāna Works: Edited with Introduction and Index.
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:147-220
English Title:
Establishing Wisdom
Short description:
Skt. Jnanasiddhi-[sadhanopayika] (T 2219, O 3063) by Indrabhūti (student of Anaṅgavajra). One of the "7 Texts of Attainment" (Grub pa sde bdun). References: 1-2, See dpal gsang ba grub pa; 3. edited by Battacharyya, Baroda 1929, In Two Vajrayāna Works: Edited with Introduction and Index.
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:220-225
English Title:
Establishing Non-duality
Short description:
PSkt. Advayasiddhi (O 3064) by Lakṣmīṅkarā (daughter/sister/aunt/consorf of Indrabhūti). One of the "7 Texts of Attainment" (Grub pa sde bdun). References: 1-2, See dpal gsang ba grub pa; 3. edited by Shendge, Baroda 1964, Advayasiddhi. A revised editions and annotated translation of this Work can be obtained via the Downloads section.
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:225-228
English Title:
The Essential Instructions on Thatness - The Great Secret of Secrets
Short description:
The Title given is Skt. Mahāguhyatattvopadeśa, acoording to the Tibetan, the title should be Guhyamahāghuyatattvopadeśa (P 3065). By Dārikapa. One of the "7 Texts of Attainment" (grub pa sde bdun). References: 1-2, See dpal gsang ba grub pa; 3: JAIBS: Motohiro,Yoritomi 頼富本宏. “Darikapa no MahaguhyatattvopadeSa ni tsuite” Darikapa の MahaguhyatattvopadeSa について. Indogaku Bukkyogaku kenkyu 印度学仏教学研究 23, no. 2 (March 1975): 1036-1033; 4: Further information might be found in: Buddhist Tantra: A Philosophical Reflection and Religious Investigation by Lalan Prasad Singh.
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:228-244
English Title:
Establishing Thatness By Following After The Clarification of Things
Short description:
Skt. Vyaktabhāvānugatatattvasiddhi (P 3066). Authorship is uncertain: Yoginī Cintā or Vilāsavajra/ Lilavajra/ Lalitavajra/ sGeg pa'i rdo rje. One of the "7 Texts of Attainment" (grub pa sde bdun). References: 1-2, See dpal gsang ba grub pa
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:244-250
English Title:
Establishing The Innate
Short description:
Skt. Sahajasiddhi (P 3067) by Ḍombiheruka. One of the "7 Texts of Attainment" (grub pa sde bdun). With regard to this text it should be mentioned that this Sahajasiddhi, and that ascribed to Indrabhūti (either the Middleing or (more likely) the Younger) are different texts, the latter might be the earlier. References: 1-2, See dpal gsang ba grub pa; 3. edited by Shendge, Indo-Iranian Journal (Vol. 10, 2/3) 1967, Śrīsahajasiddhi.
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:250-257
English Title:
The King of Establishing The Innate By Indrabhuti
Short description:
Skt. Sahajasiddhi(rāja) (T 2260) by Indrabhūti.
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:257-321
English Title:
Commentary on the Root Text "Establishing The Innate"
Short description:
Skt. Sahajasiddhipaddhati (O: 3108) by by Lakṣmīṅkarā. A commentary on the according the Sahajasiddhi of Indrabhūti. This text does give an very early account of the life stories of 12 Siddhas. Refrences: Kragh, Ulrich Timme. 2010. ‘On the Making of the Tibetan Translation of Lakṣmī's *Sahajasiddhipaddhati: 'Bro Lotsā ba Shes rab Grags and his Translation Endeavors. (Materials for the Study of the Female Tantric Master Lakṣmī of Uḍḍiyāna, part 1)’. In Indo-Iranian Journal (Vol. 53.), 195–232. Leiden: Koninklijke Brill NV.
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:321-327
English Title:
The Glorious Establishing Of Thatness
Short description:
Skt. Śri-tattvasiddhi by Keralipa. (O: 3109)
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:327-347
English Title:
Songs of the Treasury of Dohas
Short description:
Skt. Dohākośagiti (P 3068) by Saraha. One of the "6 Texts on the Essence" (snying po skor drug).
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:347-355
English Title:
Explanations on The Four Seals
Short description:
Skt. *Caturmudrānvaya (O 3069, T 2225) by Nāgārjuna. One of the "6 Texts on the Essence" (snying po skor drug). We may assume that this is the very same text as the Phyag rgya bzhi gtan la dbab pa, *Caturmudrāviniścaya. This text explaines the so called four Mudrās. Those are: Karma,- Dharma,- Maha- and Samayamudra. It is part of a collection called the "Six circles of the essence" (sNying po skor drug), A similar tex title is found in the "collected works of Advayavajra" (Adyavavajrasamgraha), aslo known as Maitripa, which doesn't allow to identify the authorship of this text beyond any doubts.
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:355-372
English Title:
The Purification of Mental Obscurations
Short description:
Skt. Cittāvaraṇaviśodhana (O 2669, T 1804) by Āryadeva. One of the "6 Texts on the Essence" (snying po skor drug). Reference: edited by Patel, 1949, Cittaviśuddhiprakaraṇa.
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:372-412
English Title:
Explanation of the Wisdom-Consort
Short description:
Skt. Prajñājñānaprakāśa (O 3070, T 2226) by Devacandra. One of the "6 Texts on the Essence" (snying po skor drug).
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:412-435
English Title:
Compendium of Existences
Short description:
Skt. Sthitisamuccaya (T 2227) by Sahajavajra. One of the "6 Texts on the Essence" (snying po skor drug).
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:435-451
English Title:
Essential Instructions on the Inconceivable Stages
Short description:
Skt. Acintyakramopadeśa (P 3072) by Kuddālapāda. One of the "6 Texts on the Essence" (snying po skor drug), as well as part of the Guhyādyaṣṭasiddhisaṃgraha. References: 1, See dpal gsang ba grub pa; 2: Part of the s.c.: Gsan ba grub pa la sogs pa'i grub pa sde brgyad.; “Study of the AcintyadvayakramopadeSa (1): Introduction” (in Japanese), Ronshu 26, 1999, pp. 1-11.; JIABS, Vol. 34, no. 1-2 2011(2012): 68n61: "The author to whom this passage is attributed was an Indian mahasiddha, known in Tibetan works as Tog rtse pa (Tog tse pa?) “Mattock-man,” who gained fame in Tibet for his non-gradual Mahamudra teachings. sGam po pa’s grand-student ’Jig rten mgon po once commented that from among all the Indian and Tibetan adepts, it was only the Indian Kotalipa and Tibetan sGam po pa who directly pointed out mind. See Jackson 1994: 13 and 142. Also see Roerich 1988: 869. The quoted passage is not found in Kaudalika’s oft-quoted AcintyakramopadeSa (Tib. Bsam gyis mi khyab pa’i rim pa’i man ngag), D Toh. 2228 vol. 51, 198.5."
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:451-468
English Title:
Eliminating False Views
Short description:
Skt. Kudṛshtinirghata (P 3073) by Advayavajra/Maitripa. One of the "25 Texts on non-mentation" (yid la mi byed pa’i chos nyi shu rtsa lnga), as well as part the Advayavajrasaṃgraha. References: 1: edited and translated by Mathes, 2015, A Fine Blend of Mahamudra and Madhyamaka - Maitripa's Collection of Texts on Non-conceptual Realization (Amanasikara). Buddhism. 2: edited by Śāstri, 1927, Adavayavajrasaṃgraha.
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:468-471
English Title:
Commentary of the Difficult Points of Eliminating False Views
Short description:
Skt. Kudṛṣṭinirghātapañjikā (P 3075) by Advayavajra/Maitripa. One of the "25 Texts on non-mentation" (yid la mi byed pa’i chos nyi shu rtsa lnga). References: 1: See lta ba ngan pa sel ba
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:471-472
English Title:
Explanation of [the Principal of] Yuganaddha
Short description:
Skt. Yuganaddhaprakāśa (P 3081) by Advayavajra/Maitripa. One of the "25 Texts on non-mentation" (yid la mi byed pa’i chos nyi shu rtsa lnga), as well as part the Advayavajrasaṃgraha. References: 1-2: See lta ba ngan pa sel ba
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:472-475
English Title:
Essential Instructions on Thatness Called Dohati
Short description:
Skt. *Dohānidhināmatattvopadeśa (P 3092) by Advayavajra/Maitripa. One of the "25 Texts on non-mentation" (yid la mi byed pa’i chos nyi shu rtsa lnga). References: 1: See lta ba ngan pa sel ba
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:475-476
English Title:
Five Affections of Method and Wisdom
Short description:
Skt. (*Prajñopāya)-Premapañcaka (P 3082, 3091) by Advayavajra/Maitripa. One of the "25 Texts on non-mentation" (yid la mi byed pa’i chos nyi shu rtsa lnga), as well as part the Advayavajrasaṃgraha.
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:476-477
English Title:
Explanation of [the Position of] Non-Dwelling
Short description:
Skt. Apratiṣṭhānaprakāśa (P 3079) by Advayavajra/Maitripa. One of the "25 Texts on non-mentation" (yid la mi byed pa’i chos nyi shu rtsa lnga), as well as part the Advayavajrasaṃgraha.
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:477-478
English Title:
Six Verses on the Innate
Short description:
Skt. Sahajaṣaṭka (P 3074) by Advayavajra/Maitripa. One of the "25 Texts on non-mentation" (yid la mi byed pa’i chos nyi shu rtsa lnga), as well as part the Advayavajrasaṃgraha.
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:478-479
English Title:
Six Verses on Madhyamaka
Short description:
Skt. Madhyamaṣaṭka (P 3076) by Advayavajra/Maitripa. One of the "25 Texts on non-mentation" (yid la mi byed pa’i chos nyi shu rtsa lnga), as well as part the Advayavajrasaṃgraha.
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:479-485
English Title:
Teaching on [the Principal of] Mental Non-engagement
Short description:
Skt. Amanasikārādhāra (P 3094) by Advayavajra/Maitripa. One of the "25 Texts on non-mentation" (yid la mi byed pa’i chos nyi shu rtsa lnga), as well as part the Advayavajrasaṃgraha.
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:485-486
English Title:
Five [Verses] on Uninterruptedness
Short description:
Skt. *Nirbhedapañcaka. The actual title is Pañcākāra (P 3090), which would mean Five Aspects by One of the "25 Texts on non-mentation" (yid la mi byed pa’i chos nyi shu rtsa lnga), as well as part the Advayavajrasaṃgraha.
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:486-487
English Title:
Five Verses on Joy and Love
Short description:
Skt. Premapañcaka (P 3091) by Advayavajra/Maitripa. One of the "25 Texts on non-mentation" (yid la mi byed pa’i chos nyi shu rtsa lnga), as well as part the Advayavajrasaṃgraha.
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:487-489
English Title:
Definition of the Term Illusion
Short description:
Skt. Māyānirukti (P 3078) by Advayavajra/Maitripa. One of the "25 Texts on non-mentation" (yid la mi byed pa’i chos nyi shu rtsa lnga), as well as part the Advayavajrasaṃgraha.
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:489-490
English Title:
Definition of the Term Dream
Short description:
Skt. Svapnanirdesha (P 3077) by Advayavajra/Maitripa. One of the "25 Texts on non-mentation" (yid la mi byed pa’i chos nyi shu rtsa lnga), as well as part the Advayavajrasaṃgraha.
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:490-492
English Title:
Ten Verses on Thatness
Short description:
Skt. Tattvadaśaka (P 3080) by Advayavajra/Maitripa. One of the "25 Texts on non-mentation" (yid la mi byed pa’i chos nyi shu rtsa lnga), as well as part the Advayavajrasaṃgraha.
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:492-494
English Title:
Explanation of [the Notion of] Great Bliss
Short description:
Skt. Mahāsukhaprakāśa (P 3084) by Advayavajra/Maitripa. One of the "25 Texts on non-mentation" (yid la mi byed pa’i chos nyi shu rtsa lnga), as well as part the Advayavajrasaṃgraha.
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:494-509
English Title:
The Precious Garland of Thatness
Short description:
Skt. Tattvaratnāvalī (P 3085) by by Advayavajra/Maitripa. One of the "25 Texts on non-mentation" (yid la mi byed pa’i chos nyi shu rtsa lnga), as well as part the Advayavajrasaṃgraha.
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:509-511
English Title:
Explanation of [the Term] Thatness
Short description:
Skt. Tattvaprakāśa (P 3086) by Advayavajra/Maitripa. One of the "25 Texts on non-mentation" (yid la mi byed pa’i chos nyi shu rtsa lnga), as well as part the Advayavajrasaṃgraha.
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:511-519
English Title:
Explanation on the Seals of the Five Tathagatas
Short description:
Skt. Pañcatathāgatamudrāvivaraṇa (P 3087) by Advayavajra/Maitripa. One of the "25 Texts on non-mentation" (yid la mi byed pa’i chos nyi shu rtsa lnga), as well as part the Advayavajrasaṃgraha.
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:519-526
English Title:
Concise [Explanation of the] Purpose of Empowerments
Short description:
Skt. Śekatātparyasaṃgraha (P 3088) by Advayavajra/Maitripa. One of the "25 Texts on non-mentation" (yid la mi byed pa’i chos nyi shu rtsa lnga), as well as part the Advayavajrasaṃgraha.
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:526-558
English Title:
Concise Empowerment Activities
Short description:
Skt. *Saṃkṣiptasekaprakriyā (P 3089) by by Advayavajra/Maitripa. One of the "25 Texts on non-mentation" (yid la mi byed pa’i chos nyi shu rtsa lnga).
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:558-656
English Title:
Five Verses on the Inherent Nature
Short description:
Skt. *Svabhāvapañcaka by Advayavajra/Maitripa. Since the 25th on the "25 Texts on non-mentaztion" is missing, mayve this is an alternative title for Nirvedhapañcaka (P 3083). This, however, has to be investigated further.
Volume: 36
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:565-568
English Title:
Twenty Verses on Mahayana
Short description:
Skt. Mahāyānaviṃśikā (P 3093) by Advayavajra/Maitripa. One of the "25 Texts on non-mentation" (yid la mi byed pa’i chos nyi shu rtsa lnga), as well as part the Advayavajrasaṃgraha.
Volume: 37
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:2-5
English Title:
Twenty Verses on Mahayana-Thatness
Short description:
Skt. Tattva(mahāyāna)viṃśikā (P 3095) by Advayavajra/Maitripa. One of the "25 Texts on non-mentation" (yid la mi byed pa’i chos nyi shu rtsa lnga), as well as part the Advayavajrasaṃgraha.
Volume: 37
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:5-11
English Title:
Definition of the Term Empowerment
Short description:
Skt. Sekanirdeśa (P 3097) by Advayavajra/Maitripa. One of the "25 Texts on non-mentation" (yid la mi byed pa’i chos nyi shu rtsa lnga), as well as part the Advayavajrasaṃgraha.
Volume: 37
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:11-12
English Title:
Essential Instructions on How to Settle [the Mind] without Elaborating or Supressing Thoughts
Short description:
Skt. *Jñānotsāhagrāhākaraṇapratiṣṭhānopadeśa by by Advayavajra/Maitripa. One of the "25 Texts on non-mentation" (yid la mi byed pa’i chos nyi shu rtsa lnga).
Volume: 37
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:12-149
English Title:
Extensive Commentary On The Four Seals – The Precious Essence
Short description:
Skt. Caturmudrāmahābhāṣyaratnhṛdaya (P 3104) by Bhitakarma.
Volume: 37
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:149-208
English Title:
Commentary on "The Definition of the Term Empowerment"
Short description:
Skt. Śekanirdeśapañjikā (P 3098) by Rāmapāla. References: edited by Isaacson, Harunaga and Francesco Sferra, Napoli 2015, The Sekanirdeśa of Maitreyanātha (Advayavajra) with the Sekanirdeśapañjikā of Rāmapāla: Critical Edition of the Sanskrit and Tibetan Texts with English Translation and Reproductions of the MSS. (Manuscripta Buddhica 2).
Volume: 37
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:208-264
English Title:
Extensive Explanation on "Ten Verses on Thatness"
Short description:
Skt. *Tattvadaśaka by Sahajavajra.
Volume: 37
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:264-275
English Title:
Vajra Words
Short description:
Skt. *Vajravacana by Vajrapāni.
Volume: 37
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:275-277
English Title:
The Six Stages of Meditation
Short description:
Skt. *Bhāvanakramaṣaṣṭhaka by Tattva.
Volume: 37
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:277-301
English Title:
Precious Light
Short description:
Skt. *Ratnābhāsa by Nāropa.
Volume: 37
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:301-310
English Title:
The Precious Oral Instructions – The Nine Letters
Short description:
Skt. * Rantopadeśayavānava by Śakyaśrībhadra.
Volume: 37
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:310-313
English Title:
Verses Descended From Space
Short description:
Skt. Ākāśāvatāraśloka
Volume: 37
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:313-361
English Title:
Saraha's Vajra Songs From The Mahamudra Treasury of Body, Speech and Mind
Short description:
The so-called three cicles of Dohā (Vajra-songs) of Saraha (snying po skor gsum).
Volume: 37
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:361-362
English Title:
Mahamudra Essential Instructions For the Moment of Death
Short description:
Skt. *Mahāmudrāmaraṇopadeśa by Saraha.
Volume: 37
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:362-369
English Title:
Essential Intructions on the Great Seal - A Treasury of Dohas
Short description:
Skt. Dohākoṣanāmamahāmudropadeśa by Saraha. This text is part of the so-called "8 Dohā treasuries" (do ha mdzod brgyad).
Volume: 37
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:369-378
English Title:
Explanation on the Verse in Twelve Stanzas
Short description:
Skt. * Dvādaśakavyākhyā by Saraha.
Volume: 37
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:378-384
English Title:
The Doha of The Alphabet
Short description:
Skt. *Kakhasyadohā by Saraha.
Volume: 37
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:384-411
English Title:
Explanation of the Doha of the Alphabet
Short description:
Skt. *Kakhasyadohāṭippaṇī by Saraha.
Volume: 37
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:411-414
English Title:
Essential Instructions on Thatness – The Doha Song of the Peak
Short description:
Skt. Tattvaupadeshashikharadohagiti
Volume: 37
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:414-419
English Title:
The Treasury of Dohas
Short description:
Skt. Dohākoṣa (O 3510) by Kṛṣṇacaryā/Kṛṣṇacaryā/Kāṇha. This text is partially contained within the so-called "8 Dohā treasuries" (do ha mdzod brgyad).
Volume: 37
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:419-461
English Title:
Extensive Commentary on "the Treasury of Dohas of the Glorious Krishnavajra"
Short description:
Skt. Śri-Kṛṣṇavajrapādadohākoṣaṭīkā (O 3151, 5049) by Amṛtavajra.
Volume: 37
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:461-544
English Title:
Commentary on the Treasury of Dohas
Short description:
Skt. Dohākoṣapañjikā. Commentary on Saraha's Dohākoṣa by Advayavajra.
Volume: 38
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:2-61
English Title:
Commentary on the Treasury of Dohas
Short description:
Skt. Dohākoṣapañjikā
Volume: 38
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:61-89
English Title:
A Song Replete With An Inexhaustible Treasury
Short description:
Skt. *Dohānidhikoṣopadeśa by Saraha. The tibetan title rather would suggest a title like *Akṣayakoṣaparipūrṇagītika.
Volume: 38
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:89-95
English Title:
Vajra Verses of the Oral Lineage
Short description:
Skt. *Karṇatantravajrapāda by Nāropa.
Volume: 38
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:96-278
English Title:
A Song Replete With An Inexhaustible Treasury
Short description:
Skt. *Dohānidhikoṣopadeśa by Saraha. The tibetan title rather would suggest a title like *Akṣayakoṣaparipūrṇagītika.
Volume: 38
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:278-284
English Title:
Virūpa's Treasury of Dohas
Short description:
Skt. Virūpadohakosha
Volume: 38
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:284-289
English Title:
Doha of Tilopa
Short description:
Skt. Tillipadadoha
Volume: 38
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:289-324
English Title:
Commentary on a Half of a Sentence About The Teaching on Non-dwelling of all Dharmas of Thatness Written in Verses
Short description:
*Sarvadharmāpratiṣṭhāna *nāma Tattvagāthābhedaṭīkā by Avadhūtipāda. In the Advayavajrasaṃgraha is a text called Tattvaratnāvalī, which contains a section on the philosophical position sarvadharmāpratiṣṭhāna. Avadhūtipāda is the same as Advayavajra/Maitripa.
Volume: 38
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:324-327
English Title:
[A Text on] Purifying Matter
Short description:
Skt. *Vastupariśodhaṇa by Nāgārjuna.
Volume: 38
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:327-329
English Title:
Full Explanation of Non-conceptuality
Short description:
Skt. *Nirvikalpaprakaraṇa by Āryadeva.
Volume: 38
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:329-333
English Title:
Making Understood What is Not Understood
Short description:
Skt. *Abhodabhodaṇa by Advayavajra/Maitripa.
Volume: 38
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:333-335
English Title:
Full Explanation of the Compendium of Essence
Short description:
Skt. *(Sarva)sārasamuccayaprakaraṇa by Śrī-Ānandavajra.
Volume: 38
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:335-341
English Title:
Root Text of Amritasiddhi
Short description:
Skt. *Amṛtasiddhimūla by Virūpa.
Volume: 38
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:341-345
English Title:
The Essential Instructions on Mahamudra
Short description:
Skt. *Mahāmudropadeśa by Tilopa. On this particular important and well known Dohā, which is said to have been given at the Ganges River from Tillopa to Nāropa, exists a commentary in the collected writings of the third Karmapa: phyag rgya chen po gang+gA ma’i ’grel pa.
Volume: 38
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:345-348
English Title:
Mahamudra Summary in Verse
Short description:
Skt. *Mahamudrasañcaya by Nāropa. As other evidence shows, this song actually should be attributed to Advayavajra.
Volume: 38
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:348-352
English Title:
Stages of Self-Blessing
Short description:
Skt. *Svādhiṣṭhānakrama by Saraha.
Volume: 38
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:352-354
English Title:
Twelve Verses of Essential Instructions
Short description:
Skt. *Dvādaśopadeśagātha by Saraha.
Volume: 38
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:354-356
English Title:
Investigation of The Mind
Short description:
Skt. *Cittaparīkṣaṇa
Volume: 38
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:356-372
English Title:
How to Meditate on The Way Things Are
Short description:
Skt. *Vastusthitibhāvana
Volume: 38
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:372-377
English Title:
Treasury of Verses
Short description:
Skt. Dohākoṣa by Dipaṅkarapakṣita. The tibetan title suggests Ślokakoṣa as the title.
Volume: 38
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:377-379
English Title:
Verse in Five Stanzas
Short description:
Skt. *Gāthapañcaka by Kṛṣṇācārya. This Text includes another short Vajragīti (dpal rdo rje'i glu) by the same author.
Volume: 38
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:379-381
English Title:
Meditation on Yogic Conduct
Short description:
Skt. *Yogācāradhyāna by Karopa.
Volume: 38
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:381-385
English Title:
Glorious Virūpa's Eighty-four Stanzas
Short description:
Skt. *Śri-Virūpapādacaturaśīti by Virūpa.
Volume: 38
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:385-534
English Title:
Commentary on the Treasury of Songs of (Tantric) Conduct
Short description:
Skt. *Caryāgītikoṣaṭīkā (O 3141) by Munidatta. Famous collection of so-called "Performance Songs" of some of most famous among the 84 Great Siddhas.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:2-17
English Title:
Commentary On Five and a Half Verses
Short description:
Skt. *Sardhapañcagāthaṭīkā (P 3125) by Nāgārjuna.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:17-26
English Title:
Essential Instructions On The Four Seals
Short description:
Skt. *Caturmudropadeśa (P 3143) by Advayavajra/Maitripa.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:26-27
English Title:
Vajra Song
Short description:
Skt. *Vajragīti by Nāropa
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:27-28
English Title:
Vajra Song
Short description:
Skt. *Vajragīti by Kāṇha/Kṛṣṇavajra
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:28-29
English Title:
Song of The Innate
Short description:
Skt. *Sahajagīti by Śāntadeva
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:29-30
English Title:
Song on How to Eliminate Concepts
Short description:
Skt. *Vikalpaprahānagīti by Lilapa
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:30-31
English Title:
A Song on the Inner Heat Practice, From The Treasury of Dohas
Short description:
Skt. *Karmacaṇḍalikādohākoṣagīti by Virūpa.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:31-32
English Title:
A Song on The Vital Essence of Spring, from the Treasury of Dohas
Short description:
Skt. *Grīṣmabindudohākoṣagīti perfromed by Saraha from the transmission of Kāṇha/Kṛṣṇavajra. Also contained in the Saraha gsung rnams. (Vol ra: 423-424.)
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:32-33
English Title:
Advice on the Innate
Short description:
Skt. *Sahajaprajñapti, but titled as *Sahajopadeśa, by Medhina.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:33-36
English Title:
The Stage of Unsurpassable Yoga
Short description:
Skt. *Anuttarayogakrama (T 2403), but title as *Anuttarasarvaśuddhikrama, by Bāṅgaja.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:36-37
English Title:
Meditation on the Unborn View and Conduct
Short description:
Skt. *Dṛṣṭicaryotpannabhāvana (P 3261) by Panaha.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:37-39
English Title:
Stages of Meditation on the the Non-dual Channel
Short description:
Skt. *Advayanāḍibhāvanakrama (O 3264) by Nilakhandha.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:39-49
English Title:
Subtle Yoga Practice
Short description:
Skt. *Sūkṣmayoga-udvahana (P 3264) by Samudra.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:40-41
English Title:
The View of the Songs from the Treasury of Dohas of Inherent Nature
Short description:
Skt. *Svabhāvadohākoṣadṛṣṭi (T 2342) by Lūhipa/Lūyipa.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:41-44
English Title:
A Doha Song on the Fruit of View, Meditation and (Tantric) Conduct
Short description:
Skt. *Bhāvanadṛṣṭicaryāphaladohāgītika (T 2345) by Saraha.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:44-45
English Title:
A Song on Thatness, from the Treasury of Dohas
Short description:
Skt. *Dohākoṣatattvagīti (T 2346) by Kararina.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:45-46
English Title:
A Song on Conduct, from the Treasury of Dohas
Short description:
Skt. *Caryādohākoṣagīti (T 2347) by Kaṅkabalana.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:46-46
English Title:
The View of the Song on Innate Joy, from the Treasury of Dohas
Short description:
Skt. *Sahajānandadohākoṣagītikādṛṣṭi (T 2348)
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:46-47
English Title:
Song on the View of the Sugata
Short description:
Skt. *Sugatadṛṣṭigīti (T 2349)
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:47-49
English Title:
The Doha Song of the Thatness of Wind
Short description:
Skt. *Vāyutattvadohāgītikā (T 2350) perfromed by Mahipa from the transmission of Kāṇha/Kṛṣṇavajra.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:49-50
English Title:
A Song of Four Vajras
Short description:
Skt. *Caturvajragīti (O 3180) permormed by Advayavajra from the transmission of Amarasiṃha.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:50-51
English Title:
Song of Maitripa
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:51-52
English Title:
Two Songs of Saraha
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:52-53
English Title:
Vajra Song of Virūpa
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:53-53
English Title:
Song of Kanapa
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:53-56
English Title:
Songs of Gurudhishtijnana
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:56-56
English Title:
Song of Karnara
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:56-57
English Title:
Song of Maticitra
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:57-59
English Title:
Two Songs of Vada
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:59-59
English Title:
Song of Acarya Viravairocana
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:59-60
English Title:
Song of Naro Pandita
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:60-61
English Title:
Song of Luhipa
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:61-62
English Title:
Song of Dombipa
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:62-62
English Title:
Song of Virūpa
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:62-63
English Title:
Song of Kambala
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:63-64
English Title:
Song of Mahasukhata
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:64-64
English Title:
Song of Prasara
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:64-65
English Title:
Song of Nagarjuna
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:65-67
English Title:
Two Dharma Songs of Dipankara Shrijnana
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:67-68
English Title:
The View of the Songs of (Tantric) Conduct, from the Dohas
Short description:
Skt. *Dohācaryāgītidṛṣṭi performed by Kirapa from the transmission of Lūhi/Lūyi.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:68-69
English Title:
The View of Emptiness
Short description:
Skt. *Śūnyatādṛṣṭi by Śabara.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:69-71
English Title:
The View That is Free from Happiness and Suffering
Short description:
Skt. Sukhaduḥkhadvayavigatadṛṣṭi (T 2427) by Śantipa.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:71-87
English Title:
The View Of Not-relating
Short description:
Skt. *Asaṃbandhadṛṣṭi (T 2428) by Kaṃpala. This collection contains another song bearing the same title, but authored by Kāṇha/Kṛṣṇavajra.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:87-88
English Title:
The View That is Without Attachment
Short description:
Skt. *Asaṃbandhasārgadṛṣṭi (T 2429) by Kaṃpala. See also the previous entry, which contains probably the same text.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:88-90
English Title:
The View of Emptiness and Compassion
Short description:
Skt. *Śūnyatakaruṇādṛṣṭi (T 2430) performed by Catrapa from the transmission of Āryadeva.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:90-91
English Title:
The View of Jewel that is the Mind
Short description:
Skt. *Manoratnadṛṣṭi (T 2431) performed by Dheta from the transmission Kanapa.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:91-92
English Title:
The View of the Eight Kinds of Thatness
Short description:
Skt. *Tattvāṣṭadṛṣṭi (T 2432) by Indrabhūti.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:92-94
English Title:
[The View] Removing The Concepts About the Nature of Mind
Short description:
Skt. *Cittakalpaparihāra(dṛṣṭi) (T 2433) performed by Lakṣmi from the transmission of Kaṅkala Mekhala.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:94-96
English Title:
The View on Suffering
Short description:
Skt. *Śokavinodadristi (T 2434) performed by Bhahura from th transmission of Mahala.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:96-97
English Title:
The Cittamatra View
Short description:
Skt. *Cittamātradṛṣṭi (T 2435) performed by Advayavajra from the transmission of Saraha.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:97-98
English Title:
The View of (Tantric) Conduct of The Skull of Compassion
Short description:
Skt. *Karuṇākapālacaryādṛṣṭi (T 2436) performed by Sarabhakha from the transmission of Dharikapa,
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:98-99
English Title:
The View of Not-relating
Short description:
Skt. *Asaṃbandhadṛṣṭi (T 2437) by Kāṇha/Kṛṣṇavajra. This collection contains another song bearing the same title, but authored by Kampala.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:99-100
English Title:
The View of Thusness
Short description:
Skt. *Tathatādṛṣṭi (T 2438) by Dharikapa.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:100-105
English Title:
Song of Tantric Conduct
Short description:
Skt. *Cryāgīti by Atiśa. Alternatively the title is found as tShul khrims kyi spyod pa’i glu blangs pa - *Śīlacaryāgītigṛhīta.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:105-113
English Title:
A Commentary on The Song of Tantric Conduct
Short description:
Skt. *Caryāgītivṛtti (O 2212) by Atiśa.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:113-131
English Title:
Song of The View on Dharmadhatu
Short description:
Skt. *Dharmadhātudarśanagīti (O 3153) by Atiśa.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:131-136
English Title:
Vajra Song of Bodhgaya
Short description:
Skt. *Bodhgayavajragīti (O 2209) by Atiśa.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:136-154
English Title:
Commentary on the Vajra Song of Bodhgaya.
Short description:
Skt. *Bodhgayavajragītiṭīkā (O 2210) by Atiśa.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:154-158
English Title:
Song of Samadhi
Short description:
Skt. *Samadhīgīti
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:158-159
English Title:
Practice of the Sixteen Drops
Short description:
Skt. *Ṣoḍaśobindubhāvana (T 2375) by Kaṃkala.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:159-160
English Title:
Essential Instructions on How to Control The Outer and Inner Bodhicitta
Short description:
Skt. *Bāhyāntarabodhicittabandhopadeśa (T 2376) by Mīnapa.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:160-161
English Title:
Essential Instructions on Meditating on The Reality of the Winds
Short description:
Skt. *Vāyutattvabhāvanopadeśa (T 2377) by Ghorakha.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:161-163
English Title:
Method of Practicing The Four Yogas
Short description:
Skt. *Caturyogabhvanopāya (T 2380) by Tantipa.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:163-165
English Title:
Essential Instructions on Meditating on The Reality of the Winds
Short description:
Skt. *Vāyutattvabhāvanopadeśa by Tso rong ghi. This collections contains another text bearing the same title, but authored by Ghorakha.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:165-166
English Title:
The Completion Phase of Vajradakini
Short description:
Skt. *Vajraḍākinīnṣpannakrama (T 2379) by Virūpa.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:166-169
English Title:
Ascertainment of Method and Wisdom – Compendium of Siddhis
Short description:
Skt. *Prajñopāyaviniścayasamudaya (T 2381) by Tsa ma ri.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:169-171
English Title:
Essential Instructions on the Aspect of Absence of Inherent Nature
Short description:
Skt. *Svabhāvāsiddhimūloadeśa (T 2382) by Nāgārjuna.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:171-172
English Title:
Garland of Jewels
Short description:
Skt. *Ratnamālā (T 2384) by Sila-ala.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:172-173
English Title:
Essential Instructions on How One Should Meditate on Compassion
Short description:
Skt. *Karuṇābhāvanopadeśa (T 2385) by Tilopa.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:173-175
English Title:
Ascertainment of the Way Things Are in Mahayana
Short description:
Skt. *Mahāyānasthitiniścaya (T 2386) by Dhe khan dhi.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:175-177
English Title:
Advice on Mind
Short description:
Skt. *Cittasampradāyavyavasthāna (T 2387) by A dzo ki.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:177-179
English Title:
Mahamudra Practice of How One Should Meditate on the Lama of Ground, Path and Fruition
Short description:
Skt. *Sthānamārgaphalagurumahāmudrabhāvanasādhana (T 2388) by Paṃkala.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:179-180
English Title:
(Tantric) Conduct by Means of Channels and Winds
Short description:
Skt. Nadibindudvareyoginicarya
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:180-181
English Title:
Essential Instructions On The Two Letters
Short description:
Skt. Aksharadvipodesha
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:181-183
English Title:
Essential Instructions of Yogic Meditation Following the Cultivation of Thatness and Bliss
Short description:
Skt. Anuyogatattvam bhavana upadesha
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:183-185
English Title:
Methods to Tame Mind and Mind Itself
Short description:
Skt. *Cittacaitanyaśamanopāya (T 3237) performed by Mekila from the transmission of Śāntideva.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:185-187
English Title:
The Path of Completion Phase for All Deities
Short description:
Skt. *Sarvadevatāniṣpannakramamārga (T 3238) by Ghadhari/Guḍarī.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:187-189
English Title:
Inconceivable Meditation
Short description:
Skt. *Acintyaparibhāvanā (T 3241) by Rāhula.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:189-190
English Title:
Practicing the View of Wisdom of Self-Awareness
Short description:
Skt. *Atmaparijñānadṛṣṭyupadeśa (T 2396) by Campaka.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:190-206
English Title:
The Essence of Realization of the 84 Siddhas
Short description:
Famous text oin the life-stories of the 84 great Siddhas by Abhayadatta. This text is also known with the alternative short titles: Grub chen brgyad cu rtsa bzhi and grub thob chen po brgyad cu.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:206-220
English Title:
The Secret of Mind Received as a Song
Short description:
Skt. *Cittaguhyadohā(gṛhīta) (T 2443) by Dam pa rgya gar. The title is doubtful.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:220-229
English Title:
Vajra Songs Written By 40 Siddhas - The Garland of Golden Drops
Short description:
Skt. *Pañcāśatsiddhāvadānatilakaprabhāvalī (T 2444) by Rje dam rgya gar rin po che.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:229-236
English Title:
Spiritual Biographies of 35 Wisdom Dakinis
Short description:
Skt. *Jñānaḍākinīpañcatridaśāvadāna (T 2450) performed by Dam pa sangs rgyas from the transmission of Ye shes mkha’ ’gro.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:236-243
English Title:
Vast Dakini Song
Short description:
Ḍākinītanugīti (Mkha' 'gro ma'i 'jam glu; or, 'Byam glu). Tôh. no. 2451. Dergé Tanjur, vol. ZI, folios 88r.1-90r.4. Part of Pha dam pa Sangs rgyas collection. — Phyag chen khrid mdzod, vol. 3, pp. 315-322, with the title Mkha' 'gro ma'i 'byams glu.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:243-316
English Title:
Vajra Songs of 40 Siddhas
Short description:
Skt. *Siddhavajragīticaturdaśa performed by Dam pa sangs rgyas from the transmission of Rajaputranṛsiṁha.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:316-344
English Title:
The Golden Garland of Mahamudra
Short description:
Skt. Mahāmudrākanakamālā (T 2454) by Advayavajra/ Maitripa. The alternative title by volume editor reads: phyag rgya chen po rdo rje'i glu rin po che gser gyi phreng ba grub pa thob pa'i rnal 'byor pa dang pandi ta mang po'i gsung rnams rje btsun mnga' bdag mai tri pas gzhung gcig ru bsdebs pa'i gdams pa
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:344-352
English Title:
Treatise of the Glorious Complete Liberation from the Fetters
Short description:
Skt. *Śrībandhanavimuktiśāstra
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:352-364
English Title:
Letter of Wisdom
Short description:
Skt. *Prajñālekha (T 2455) by Padmavajra.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:364-368
English Title:
Purifying the Obstacles to the Realization of a Yogin
Short description:
Skt. *Yogikalpavighnanivarhaṇa (T 2456) by Buddhaguhya.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:368-382
English Title:
The Inconceivable and Utmost Secret Path that Hides the Five Poisons
Short description:
Skt. *Atiguhyācintya-nāma-pañcaviṣaguptamārga (T 2457) by Āryadeva.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:382-384
English Title:
The True Definition of Yoga
Short description:
Skt. *Yogalakṣaṇasatya (T 2458) by Bodhibhadra.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:382-384
English Title:
Timely Talk on How to Cultivate Wisdom
Short description:
Skt. *Prajñārambhāvadhiparikathā (T 2459) by Advayavajra/Maitripa.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:384-386
English Title:
Chapter on the Accumulation of Samadhi
Short description:
Skt. *Samādhisambhāraparivarta (T 2460) by Atiśa.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:386-388
English Title:
Ritual of the Supramundane Seven Branches Prayer
Short description:
Skt. *Lokātītasaptāṅgavidhi (T 2461) by Atiśa.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:388-396
English Title:
Precious Vessel of Teachings of The Sugatas
Short description:
Skt. *Sugataśāsanaratnavohittha (T 2462) by A dzi tā gu bha/Ajita[mitra]gupta.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:396-396
English Title:
Essential Instructions of the Completely Pure View and Conduct
Short description:
Skt. *Viśuddhadarśanacaryopadeśa (T 2464) by Buddhaśrījñāna.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:396-397
English Title:
The Path and its Fruit that Purifies the Precious Mind
Short description:
Skt. *Cittaratnaviśodhanamārgaphala (T 2465) by Śākyaśrībhadra.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:397-400
English Title:
Essential Instructions on Releasing the Fetters
Short description:
Skt. *Bandhavimuktopadeśa (T 2466) by Jagatamitrānanda.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:400-401
English Title:
The Path of the Genuine Siddhas
Short description:
Skt. *Siddhisanmārga(nirṇaya) (T 2467) by Mitrayogin.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:401-403
English Title:
Instructions on Untying the Knot of One's Own Mind
Short description:
Skt. *Svacittagranthamocakopadeśa (T 2468) by Maitryānanda.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:403-403
English Title:
Granting the Empowerment of Samadhi
Short description:
Skt. *Samādhyabhiṣeka (T 2470) by Kapala.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:403-403
English Title:
Commentary on "Namo Buddha ya"
Short description:
Skt. *Namobuddhāyaṭīkā
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:403-406
English Title:
The Glorious Siddhi of Great Bliss
Short description:
Skt. Śrimahāsukhasiddhi
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:406-410
English Title:
Essential Instructions on Relaxing One's Mind in Twenty-Five Verses
Short description:
Skt. *Svacittaviratyupadeśapañcaviṃśati (T 2470) by Jagatamitrānanda.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:410-414
English Title:
Spiritual Biography – The Thirty Stanzas
Short description:
Skt. *Triṁśatyavadāna (T 2130) by Mi tra dzo ka.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:414-423
English Title:
Essential Instructions on Thatness that is Utterly Free From Any Elaborations
Short description:
Skt. *Suniṣprapañcatattvopadeśa (O 2020) by Virūpa.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:423-424
English Title:
Essential Instructions on the Innate
Short description:
Skt. *Sahajopadeśa
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:424-425
English Title:
Mahasabara's Essential Instructions on the Innate
Short description:
Skt. *Śrīsahajaśambarasvādhiṣṭhāna (T 1458) by Ri khrod pa chen po/Mahāśabara.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:425-439
English Title:
Commentary on Bodhicitta
Short description:
Skt. *Bodhicittavivaraṇa (T 1800) by Nāgārjuna.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:439-454
English Title:
Hundred Verses on The Essence that Causes Understanding
Short description:
Skt. *Pratipattisāraśataka (T 2334) by Āryadeva.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:454-457
English Title:
The Appearance of Buddha
Short description:
Skt. *Buddhodāya by Lūyipa.
Volume: 39
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:457-461
English Title:
The Appearance of Buddha
Short description:
Skt. *Buddhodāya
Volume: 40
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:461-502
English Title:
Establishing Thatness
Short description:
Skt. *Tattvasiddhi by Zhi ba mtsho.
Volume: 40
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:2-100
English Title:
The Purification Path of the Mind
Short description:
Skt. *Cittamārgaśodhana by Dpal ye shes rdo rje
Volume: 40
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:100-101
English Title:
Praise of the Vajra Mind
Short description:
Skt. *Cittavajrastotra by Nāgārjuna.
Volume: 40
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:101-165
English Title:
Essential Instruction on the Succesion of Lamas of the Lineage
Short description:
Skt. *Guruparaṃparākramopadeśa (T 3716) by Nāgārjuna.
Volume: 40
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:165-286
English Title:
Elaborated Explanation on the Summary of All the Words of the Sugatas – Introduction Into Thatness
Short description:
Skt. *Tattvāvatārākhyasakalasugatavacastātparyavyākhyāprakaraṇa (T 3709) by Jānakīrti
Volume: 40
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:286-354
English Title:
Summary of the Essence of Thatness
Short description:
Skt. *Tattvasārasaṁgraha (T 3711,) by Chos kyi dbang po/Dharmendra
Volume: 40
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:354-363
English Title:
Illumination of the Ways of the Secret Mantra
Short description:
Skt. *Mantranayāloka (T 3710) by Mtho btsun gtso lags
Volume: 40
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:363-429
English Title:
Torch of The Three Modes
Short description:
Skt. *Nayatrayapradīpa (T 3707) by mTho btsun tri pi ṭa ka ma la/ Tripiṭakamāla
Volume: 40
Location(volume of author: pages): 0:429-534
English Title:
The Summarised Catalog of the Indian Root Texts of The Mahamudra of the Natural State in Three Volumes Arranged Alphabetically – The Earrings of the Siddhas of the Practice Lineage