Dudul Dorje,1733–1797
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:1-25
English Title:
Daily Recitation of the Four Preliminary Practices for The Mahamudra Innate Union of the Karma Kamtsang Practice Lineage – The Chariot that Traverses the Path of the Noble Ones
Short description:
Shortened recited version of the longer preliminary practices text from the 9th Karmapa.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:25-28
English Title:
Supplication Entitled The Continuous Rain of Blessing of the Supreme Siddhis
Short description:
Short supplication.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:28-28
English Title:
Supplication for the Swift Attainment of Siddhis
Short description:
Short supplication.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:28-30
English Title:
Record of the Aspiration Prayers and Wishes Offered With a Khatak to The Statue of The Supreme Lord of Sages, The Ornament of the World
Short description:
Aspiration prayer and wishes offered with a khatak.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:30-33
English Title:
Supplication to the Tathagata, the Lord of the Teachings
Short description:
Supplication to the Tathagata.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:33-42
English Title:
Catalogue of the Eight Stupas of the Sugatas
Short description:
On the eight types of stupas.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:42-43
English Title:
Supplication to Guru Padmasambhava
Short description:
Supplication to Padmasambhava.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:43-44
English Title:
Supplication to Guru Padmasambhava – Manifestly Exalted by the Three Vehicles
Short description:
Supplication to Padmasambhava.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:44-47
English Title:
Praise to the Three Forefathers and the Siddhas, the Three Men from Kham – Bestowing the Highest Blessing
Short description:
Praise to Marpa, Milarepa, Gampopa and the Three Men from Kham: Phagmo Drupa, Karmapa Düsum Khyenpa, and Seltong Shogom
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:47-58
English Title:
Meditation Instructions on the Four Preliminary Practices – Stairway to the Higher Realms
Short description:
Meditation instruction on the four preliminary practices.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:58-62
English Title:
Some Wandering Words on Jadral Yeshe Wangchuk From Latö aka the Great Meditator Den Yön and the Essence of the Instructions on the Seven Respects
Short description:
Conversation with Jadral Yeshe Wangchuk and a teaching on the seven respects.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:62-70
English Title:
Summarized Inner Practice on the Lama
Short description:
Inner practice on the lama.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:70-71
English Title:
Concise Supplication
Short description:
Short supplication.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:71-79
English Title:
Concise "Calling the Lama from Afar"
Short description:
Short version of "Calling the Lama from Afar"
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:79-82
English Title:
The Six Dharmas of Naropa in a Shortened Fashion
Short description:
Short version of "Six Dharmas of Naropa"
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:82-83
English Title:
Advice on Taking Happiness and Suffering as the Path
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:83-86
English Title:
Root Text "An Appeal Not to Waste Time" Together With Its Commentary
Short description:
The 13th Karmapa's Commentary on the Root Text "An Appeal Not to Waste Time" by the 3rd Karmapa.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:86-87
English Title:
Concise Preliminary Practice to Urge (One) to (Practice) the Dharma
Short description:
Preliminary practice and motivation to practice the Dharma.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:87-91
English Title:
Aspiration Urging the Lazy Ones to (Practice) the Dharma
Short description:
Motivation to practice the Dharma.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:91-98
English Title:
Woken From the Sleep of Ignorance
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:98-105
English Title:
Story of How the Lama Who can Manifest Symbols in Visions Establishes Those Ordinary Beings in Dharma who Have the Karmic Predisposition
Short description:
Story of how a lama established a child on the Buddhist path.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:105-110
English Title:
Teaching on Symbols
Short description:
On symbols.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:110-110
English Title:
Notes on Mahamudra Arranged as a List
Short description:
A list-type note on Mahamudra.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:110-114
English Title:
A Spiritual Song in 21 Stanzas Urging Wholesome Behaviour
Short description:
Song urging virtuous behaviour.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:114-120
English Title:
Generating Benefit for the Mind to Overcome Attachment to Samsara
Short description:
How to overcome attachment to samsara.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:120-122
English Title:
Daily Practice and Visualisation Manual of Sitatārā
Short description:
Practice on White Tara.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:122-147
English Title:
Supplication to the Venerable Noble Tara
Short description:
Supplication to Tara.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:147-169
English Title:
Advice to a Pair of Tulkus from Zurmang
Short description:
Advice to two Zurmang tulku.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:169-172
English Title:
Advice on the Pair of Wordly Traditions
Short description:
On wordly traditions.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:172-179
English Title:
The "Very" Advice
Short description:
Advice whose each stanza starts with 'very'.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:179-184
English Title:
Concise Explanation on the Golden and Silver Statues in the Supreme Place of Tsurpu
Short description:
A survey of the golden and silver stupas in Tsurpu.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:184-199
English Title:
The Spiritual Biographies of Three Karmapas One After Another
Short description:
Biographies of three Karmapas.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:199-204
English Title:
The History of Karma Ngönpak, the Great Meditator from Bhutan
Short description:
Story of a meditator from Bhutan.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:204-210
English Title:
The Stages of the Amazing Dance in the Land of Southern Benpa
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:210-234
English Title:
Stories of Seeing Something Wonderful
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:234-244
English Title:
Chapter on Explaining the Dharma to the Bird called Drubgyü Tendzin
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:244-247
English Title:
The Story of the Teaching for Whose Examples a Small Bird Brought the Message from the Six Realms – Instruction on the Inner Heat – The Snow Lioness
Short description:
Instruction on Inner Heat, Tummo.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:247-250
English Title:
Instruction on the Inner Heat – The Snow Lioness
Short description:
Instruction on Inner Heat, Tummo.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:250-255
English Title:
Supplications, Aspirations and a Note when Seeing a Parrot Appear
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:255-258
English Title:
Wish, Supplication and Aspiration Inscribed on the Back of a Thangka of the Three Roots
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:258-263
English Title:
Summarised Daily Practice of the Glorious Mahakala
Short description:
Daily practice version of Mahakala.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:263-269
English Title:
Concise Smoke Offering of the Glorious Shridevi
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:269-273
English Title:
Wishes and Supplication to the Great God Tanglha Nyenpo - Sponteanous Fulfillment of What is Desired
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:273-274
English Title:
Outer Torma for the Dakinis
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:274-279
English Title:
The Completely Pure Conduct of the Deity of Highest Virtues
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:279-291
English Title:
Answers to the Discipline Master Gyaltsen
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:291-297
English Title:
Answers to the Attendant Karma Samdrup
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:297-306
English Title:
Answers to Sherab Dorje
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:306-317
English Title:
Notes on the Talk Between the Great Meditator Mushroom-Puffball and the Monk Go-Away-and-Stay-There
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:317-324
English Title:
Pointing-out Instruction to the Great Mother on How Karmic Appearances Are Like Dream Illusions
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:324-338
English Title:
Notes on How Things Appear
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:338-340
English Title:
Requesting Blessing "Welcoming the Gathering"
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:340-354
English Title:
The Dharma Song that Fully Increase the Siddhis
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:354-354
English Title:
Wishes and Supplication for Offering a Khatak to the Precious Jowo
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:354-356
English Title:
The Reason and Aspiration Prayer for Building a Parapet and Eave on Top of the Great Silver Stupa in Tsurpu
Short description:
The phrase "mtshur phu'i dngul gdung chen mo" seems to refer to a silver stupa.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:356-360
English Title:
Notes from a Discussion with Palnam Drakkar Lama
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:360-362
English Title:
A Short Fragmented Note
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:362-363
English Title:
The Marvellous Dream Signs that Occurred the Day Before a Letter and an Excellent Buddha Statue Arrived from Situ, the Eminent Tulku, on an Auspicious Day
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:363-367
English Title:
Answers to Geshe Chöpel – Nectar of the Morning Star Dharma
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:367-370
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:370-374
English Title:
The White Silver Mirror of Differentiation
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:374-383
English Title:
Aspiration and Auspiciousness
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:383-386
English Title:
Supplication to the Glorious Authentic Lamas – Granting the Supreme Siddhi
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:386-388
English Title:
Recited Meditation of Avalokiteshvara – The Excellent Path Going to Mount Potalaka
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:388-390
English Title:
Recited Meditation of the Eye-Opening Avalokiteshvara
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:390-396
English Title:
Notes on the the Amazing Conversation in Southern Datang
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:396-398
English Title:
Recited Meditation of the Noble Lady – The Swift Attainment of the Two Kinds of Siddhis
Short description:
White Tara recited meditation
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:398-399
English Title:
The Advice of the Yogi Natha who Comes from the Most Excellent Land of the Sinhalas
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:399-400
English Title:
Long Life Practice - A Hundred Years
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:400-401
English Title:
"Guarding" According to Virūpa - The Uncommon Practice
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:401-421
English Title:
Praise to the Old Monk Shobu
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:421-436
English Title:
Story of Meeting the Arhat Nagasena in a Dream
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:436-444
English Title:
“Breath-catching” Nadir-points, Measure of the Zenith-Points, Progressions through the Zodiac Signs, Solstices and Other Necessary Astrological Details Required for Monthly Calculations
Short description:
Astrological treatise.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:444-450
English Title:
Talks Related to Astrology with Dharma Master Tsöndrü Wangchuk
Short description:
Astrological treatise.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:450-453
English Title:
Overcoming Unfavourable Conditions
Short description:
Astrological treatise.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:453-454
English Title:
Astrological Explanation of the Effects of Looking for Something that is Lost
Short description:
Astrological treatise.
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:454-459
English Title:
Brief Dedication Written in Verse
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:459-463
English Title:
Poetry Concerning the Spiritual Biographies of the Supremely Genuine, Glorious Lamas – Garland of Utpala Flowers
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:463-467
English Title:
(Talk with) Gyurmé Tendzin on the Compatible (Sounds in) Mantras – The Swift Attainment of Siddhis and the Flow of the River Ganges That Purifies What Has Been Confessed
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:467-470
English Title:
The Excellent River Ganges That Purifies What Has Been Confessed
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:470-472
English Title:
(Excerpt from the) Notes on the Conversation Between the Doctor from Tagtse and the Small Monk Ngawang: Summarised Elements Torma Offering – Identification of the Small Stones
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:472-478
English Title:
Greatly Summarised Four Elements Torma Offering
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:478-480
English Title:
The Story of Guru Dzamo Gyendok, the Direct Disciple of Geshe Mokchok (in Connection) with The Profound (Teaching on the) Investigation of the Signs of Death and Ransoming Death
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:480-484
English Title:
Summarized (Teaching on the) Investigation of the Signs of Death and Ransoming Death
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:484-486
English Title:
Advice on Finding the Four Supports
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:486-488
English Title:
The Practice of the Summarized Essence
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:488-494
English Title:
Coloured Papers With Both Sutra and Tantra Writings
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:494-495
English Title:
The Daily (Practice of) Profound Gradual Liberation
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:495-499
English Title:
Supplication to the Six Kamtsang Spiritual Father and Sons
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:499-500
English Title:
Advice on Generosity With Food
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:500-502
English Title:
Calculation of Auspicious Conjunctions and the Rising of Naga Kulika
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:502-503
English Title:
Striving Towards Genuine Dharma in the Next Lives
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:503-504
English Title:
A Convenient Washing and Bathing Ritual for What is Impure
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:504-505
English Title:
Summarized Version of Appeasing the Disturbed Mamos
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:505-507
English Title:
The Golden Drink (Serkyem Ritual) That Fulfills Wishes
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:507-513
English Title:
The Empowerment of The White Chakrasamvara – The Accomplishment of The Siddhi of Immortal Life
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:513-518
English Title:
The Extremely Summarized Burnt Offering to Vajradakini
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:518-531
English Title:
Fast Astrological Calculations – The Sun of Auspiciousness
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:531-532
English Title:
Supplication to Jowo Rinpoche
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:532-534
English Title:
Spiritual Songs of Advice Sang in the Garuda Fortress Mountain Hermitage of Tsurpu
Short description:
Where? khyung rdzong du?
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:534-535
English Title:
Aspiration for Traversing the Realm of Great Bliss
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:535-537
English Title:
Condensed Supplication and Offering to the Oath-bound Dorje Legpa
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:537-540
English Title:
Ritual of the Only medicine, Confession
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:540-541
English Title:
Method of Drawing Yakshacakras
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:541-543
English Title:
Condensed Consecration and Aspiration Prayer
Volume: 92
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:543-548
English Title:
Condensed Consecration Ritual
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:1-5
English Title:
The Abbreviated Torma Offering of The Universal Embodiment of the Most Profound Precious Ones
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:5-19
English Title:
Supplication to the Transmission Lineage of The Protector Akshobhya
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:19-41
English Title:
Dharma Parable – The Story of The Rabbit Gyurmé Yeshe
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:41-44
English Title:
Replies to Khyenrab Paljor
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:44-47
English Title:
Aspiration Prayer for Protection by The Guardians of Wealth and the Long Life Deities
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:47-58
English Title:
Advice to Foolish Meditators with their Hair Tied in a Knot
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:58-83
English Title:
Short Note on Examination
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:83-92
English Title:
A Shortened Explanation on the Sacred Place Known As Ramding
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:92-100
English Title:
Question of Palden Ngawang Rinchen Tenpé Gyaltsen
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:100-110
English Title:
Answers to questions - The Great Morning Star
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:110-116
English Title:
The Situation of the Astrologer Chönyi Dorjé and a Mahamudra Advice
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:116-147
English Title:
The Story of the Householder Tshering Samdrub and a Talk to Urge One to (Practice) the Dharma
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:147-165
English Title:
Practice and Permission Empowerment of The Noble Tara Tashi Döndrubma
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:165-168
English Title:
Supplication to the Vision of Lord Karma Pakshi
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:168-169
English Title:
Aspiration Prayer and Advice on Eliminating the Delusion of the Four Periods
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:169-177
English Title:
The Spiritual Biography and Supplication to The Supreme Great Omniscient Lama Tenpé Nyinjé
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:177-180
English Title:
The Condensed Vow of Developing Bodhicitta
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:180-184
English Title:
Explanations on The Advantages of Relying on a Lama and The Attainment of Siddhis
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:184-198
English Title:
A Few Ways How Causality Manifests
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:198-201
English Title:
A Song Urging to (Practice) the Dharma – The Humming Bees
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:201-202
English Title:
Stages of Practice of the Yoga of the Four Empowerments
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:202-205
English Title:
The Recited Meditation of the Most Noble Avalokiteshvara – The Seed of Lasting Happiness
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:205-205
English Title:
The Very Abbreviated Burning Offering and Dedication
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:205-206
English Title:
A Short List of The Four Examinations
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:206-210
English Title:
A Short Note on Examining and Analyzing
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:210-211
English Title:
The Metaphor for Benefitting Oneself and Others – The Buzzing Melody of the Six-legged Bee
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:211-213
English Title:
The Melodious Song of the White Grouse to Urge One Essentially to (Practice) the Genuine Dharma in Order to Benefit Oneself and Others Since "Samsaric Activities Have no Essence" and Furthermore the Knot of Mind is Not Released
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:213-228
English Title:
The Metaphor of the Brilliant Crown Protuberance – The Thirty-three Stanzas
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:228-230
English Title:
The Story of the Deep River Junction of The Yetis – The Practice Established Through Experience
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:230-231
English Title:
Miscellaneous Notes on Medicine
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:231-231
English Title:
Food and Syllables Protecting From Epidemics – The Able Moon
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:231-234
English Title:
A Few Practical Instructions On How To Make It, etc.
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:234-241
English Title:
A Slightly Edited Letter to the Mongolian Elders on What is Needed Immediately to Benefit
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:241-245
English Title:
Spiritual Song of Karmapa Düdul Dorje
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:245-247
English Title:
The Spiritual Song of Karmapa Changchub Dorje
Short description:
This is the only teaching from the 12th Karmapa.
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:247-253
English Title:
Supplication and Offering to Gyang Jé Tsenpo, the Dharma Protector of The Holy Place of Tsurpu
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:253-339
English Title:
Cycle of Supplications in Sacred Places (Teachings of Karma Pakshi, The Mighty Lord of the Siddhas)
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:339-405
English Title:
Vajra Songs of the Glorious Karma Pakshi, The Mighty Lord of the Siddhas
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:405-541
English Title:
Miscellaneous Spiritual Songs of Karmapa Rolpé Dorje
Volume: 93
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:541-622
English Title:
Spiritual Song Collection of the Dharma Master Deshin Shekpa