Mikyö Dorje,1507–1554
The collection of the 8th Karmapa is still work in progress, and we are currently working on this…
Volume: 41
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:1-33
English Title:
Catalogue of the Collected Works of the Laughing Karmapa Mikyö Dorje, Endowed with the Mind Possessing All Aspects of the Wisdom Form of All Victorious/book/16 (Written by Shamar Könchok Bang)
Volume: 41
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:33-113
English Title:
Spiritual Biography of Karmapa Mikyö Dorje Composed by Himself
Volume: 41
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:113-123
English Title:
Explanations of the Training in the Spiritual Biography of Karmapa Mikyö Dorje
Volume: 41
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:123-161
English Title:
Explanations of the Training in the Spiritual Biography of Karmapa Mikyö Dorje
Volume: 41
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:161-355
English Title:
Commentary of the Essential Meaning of the Excellent Practice, the Spiritual Biography of the Eighth Mighty Victorious Avalokiteshvara, The Torch Which Illuminates What has to be Accepted and Discarded
Volume: 41
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:355-371
English Title:
Spiritual Biography of Karmapa Mikyö Dorje Composed by the Master Himself in the Namtö Mountain
Volume: 41
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:371-377
English Title:
The Twenty Seven Stanzas Temporary Spiritual Biography of Karmapa Mikyö Dorje, Composed by the Master Himself
Volume: 41
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:377-419
English Title:
The Chronology of Acts of Mikyö Dorje, Subject of Several Disciples of the Omniscient Dharma Master, the Self-arisen Seventh Within the Succession of Karmapas, Who Appeared in this Northern Lands of Snow
Volume: 41
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:419-425
English Title:
The Thorough Explanation of the Name/Title of the Dharma Master, Lord of the World, Glorious Karmapa, Venerable Mikyö Dorje, Written by the Master Himself
Volume: 41
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:425-465
English Title:
The commentary of the Thorough Explanation of the Name/Title of the Dharma Master, Lord of the World, Glorious Karmapa, Venerable Mikyö Dorje/ (Composed by Tsuklak Trengwa)/ Together with the Teacher, the Matchless Praise of the Master Himself
Volume: 41
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:465-477
English Title:
Auto-Commentary on a Self Praise
Volume: 41
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:477-485
English Title:
The Great Words on How Mikyö Dorje Attended the Siddha Sangye Nyenpa in any Moment – The Essence of the Amazing Ocean
Volume: 41
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:485-533
English Title:
Auto-Commentaries of the Activities as they were told regarding the Presence of the Precious Lama
Volume: 41
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:533-555
English Title:
Auto-Biography of Gyalwa Karmapa Mikyö Dorje in Twelve Deeds
Volume: 41
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:555-571
English Title:
Spiritual biography of Könchok Yenlak, the Great Tulku Fifth Holder of the Shamar Crown
Volume: 41
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:571-581
English Title:
The Sealed Secret Spiritual Biography Showing the Miraculous Display of the Two Lords Father and Son at the Time they were Meeting the Exalted Sangye Nyenpa
Volume: 41
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:581-591
English Title:
Some Spiritual Biographies Which are Told in Fragments
Volume: 41
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:591-599
English Title:
The Essence of Accomplisht Conviction as Perceived in a Dream
Volume: 41
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:599-607
English Title:
Spiritual Biography of the All Knowing Ben Garwa
Volume: 41
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:607-0
English Title:
Spiritual Biography of the ShAkya Monk Paljor Pöndrub
Volume: 42
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:1-63
English Title:
Spiritual Biography of the Great Sangye Denma
Volume: 42
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:63-97
English Title:
The Heart of Dharmakaya, the Genuine Spiritual Biography of the Victorious All Knowing Precious Buddha Nyenpa Drubtob
Volume: 42
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:97-113
English Title:
Spiritual Song Telling the Spiritual Biography of The Precious Lama Sangye Su Shalshepa
Volume: 42
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:113-133
English Title:
Spiritual Biography of the Venerable Karma Trinlepa
Volume: 42
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:133-139
English Title:
Enumeration of the Students Born from the Speech of the Venerable Chödrak Gyatso
Volume: 42
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:139-145
English Title:
Way of accomplishing/composing spiritual songs
Volume: 42
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:145-451
English Title:
Nectar of the Words of the Glorious Mityö Dorje Gawa Proclaimed by himself in Verses. Garland of Miscellaneous Writings. Compiled Into one Flow of Thread of Mountains, the Wonderful Pustaka, the Wish-fulfilling Basket.
Volume: 42
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:451-465
English Title:
Prayer for Removing Obstacles
Volume: 42
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:465-515
English Title:
In the Fire Bird Year named 'Hemalambana/Serjang', at the Age of Thirty, on the way to Ütsang, [Songs] from the Work called 'Urging the Head of the Horse'. The Songs About how he Arrived to his Future Dwelling Place at the time of the Mindrug Period of the Moon.
Volume: 42
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:515-541
English Title:
Spiritual Song of the Dwelling Time Immediately After Arriving First in the Tsurpu Great Monastery Seat
Volume: 42
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:541-693
English Title:
Spiritual Songs composed at the time of the Unbiased Visit of the Great Kingdom Ütsang
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:1-59
English Title:
Proof the the Abiding and Appearing that are the Two Truths as Expounded by Nagarjuna and Talking my Mind as Wished and the One Mode that is in accordance with the Understanding Following the Dagpo Kagyü - A Genuine Song of Defenetive Meaning
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:59-155
English Title:
A Spiritual Song Sung at Mönsha Uktak Godom Tsangngur Morong
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:155-185
English Title:
The Last Spiritual Song of the Way of Leaving in Tsari at the age of 47 Sung by Venerable Mikyö Dorje Himself
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:185-191
English Title:
Some Fragments of Supplications of the Accomplished Master
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:191-197
English Title:
The Offering Which Supplicates with One-pointed Mind to the Mahasiddha Sangye Nyenpa
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:197-207
English Title:
Stanzas on the Pure Practice of the Heart of the Seven Branches Prayer Made as Genuine Buddhadharma
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:207-213
English Title:
The Supplication Which Protects from Lower Rebirths and Poor Discipline
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:213-219
English Title:
Song Born from the Overwhelming Fervent Devotion to the Great Venerable Denma
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:219-225
English Title:
Teaching the Way Things Are Song
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:225-233
English Title:
Overcoming Meditation Song
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:233-279
English Title:
Song about the Severance of Appearance of Things
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:279-295
English Title:
Song about The Severance of the Doubts in the Striving at the Six Branches of the Vajra Yoga
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:295-307
English Title:
Advice about the Severance to the Dharma Master Chang Rawa
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:307-337
English Title:
Letter Granted on Severance to the Very Learned, Gold Skinned Sangye Tashi
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:337-355
English Title:
Oral and Written Methods of The Great King of Tibet Called Garland of Precious Permissions to the King of Neudong
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:355-361
English Title:
Official Letter Granted to the Two King's Residences of Ch'an hua wang at the Time of Commission to Protect the Ulitmate Meaning of the Karma [Kagyü]
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:361-365
English Title:
An Official Letter to Neu Dong Talking about the Life's Passing away for Others and The Protections of People in the First Year of the Ruling Moon Conquering Jupiter
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:365-375
English Title:
Letter of Adressingthe Great King of the Best White Mountain Top
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:375-381
English Title:
Official Letter Granted to Drigung Rinpoche
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:381-387
English Title:
Official Letter of Permission
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:387-391
English Title:
Official Letter to Kyormo Lung
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:391-397
English Title:
Official Letter given to the Rinpungpas
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:397-403
English Title:
Official Letter given to Govenor of Yargyap
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:403-409
English Title:
Official Letter given to Mother and Child of Gyelchen Lingpa
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:409-421
English Title:
Official Letter given to the Peak of Nedong
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:421-427
English Title:
Official Letter given to the Ruler of Latö Bangpa
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:427-433
English Title:
Official Letter given to the Lineage Holder of Yartö
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:433-467
English Title:
Official Letter given to the female Ruler of Samdé
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:467-471
English Title:
Praise to the Twelve Deeds of the Victorious One
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:471-473
English Title:
Praise to the Victorious Lama Doctor
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:473-483
English Title:
Priase of Maitreya the Victorious One Together with The Seven Branched Aspiration Prayer
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:483-489
English Title:
Praise to the Statue of Jetsün Drolma in Rong Ngurmik
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:489-493
English Title:
Praise to Maitreya the Conqueror
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:493-497
English Title:
Together with a Aspiration Prayer, The Priase of Oneself
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:497-503
English Title:
Priase to the Three: Künkhyen Ben Garwa, Goshri Paljor Döndrub and Jé Chödrak Gyatso
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:503-509
English Title:
Entreaty to the Master Düsum Khyenpa
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:509-515
English Title:
Praise to Khenchen Chödrub Sengé
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:515-521
English Title:
Praise of the Spiritual Biography of Könchok Bang, the Emanation of the Precious Realized One
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:521-539
English Title:
Praise to Five Ecellent Scholars, who Composed Widely Accomplishet Treatises - Scholars from the Snow Land
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:539-545
English Title:
Praise of Vajrayogini
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:545-551
English Title:
Praise of the Black Crown Cenemony - The Hat of Karmapa the Victorious One
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:551-557
English Title:
Two Answers to Diverse Questions of Lama Khampa
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:557-595
English Title:
Answers to the "Set of Various Excellent Writings" Straightforward Lines and Pages of Crystals of Unblemished Good Explanations" of Penchen Dor Gyalwa
Short description:
This texts contanis information about: writings on logic, Madhyamaka, Abhidharma, and Tantra, specially on Kālacakra tantra
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:595-605
English Title:
The Ninth Answer to a Question by Lama Sheldrakpa Nyida Réchen Chökyi Gyeltsen
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:605-609
English Title:
Answers to Questions of Sheldrak Lama Chökyi Gyeltsen
Volume: 43
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:609-630
English Title:
Answers to Questions of Gyatön Jadrelwa
Volume: 44
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:1-9
English Title:
Answers to Questions asked by Karma Trinlepa
Volume: 44
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:9-15
English Title:
An Answer to a Question of Karma Tendzin about Transference
Short description:
The name Karma Tenzin should be an epithet of Karma Trinleypa
Volume: 44
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:15-21
English Title:
Questions and Answers about Buddha Nature and Dharmakaya
Volume: 44
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:21-27
English Title:
Answer to Questions and Inquiery of more Questions of the Glorious Master from Tubten Ser Dokchen
Volume: 44
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:27-35
English Title:
Reply to a Questions of discard to Ling Drungpa
Volume: 44
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:35-39
English Title:
Replyto Questions by Dzana Wönpo
Volume: 44
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:39-51
English Title:
Replies to Questions of Nering Pakpa and Nering Yikkhen
Volume: 44
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:51-59
English Title:
Reply to a Question of the Royal Consort of Nering
Volume: 44
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:59-67
English Title:
Reply to a Question of Panampa Gyalwang
Volume: 44
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:67-73
English Title:
Reply to a Question of some Practiononers Concerning the Glorious Yeshe Gönpo
Volume: 44
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:73-221
English Title:
The Seed of Excellent Utterings Arisen from Teachers and Students of Undisputable Answers to Questions about the Secret Mantra of the Early Tradition
Volume: 44
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:221-241
English Title:
The Granting the Gift of Dharma to the second Karma Trinleypa
Volume: 44
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:241-255
English Title:
Some Misleneous Writings of the Master Nyenpa Drubchen
Volume: 44
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:255-289
English Title:
Advice to Future Desciples
Volume: 44
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:289-391
English Title:
Instruction and Advice to some Faithful People
Volume: 44
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:391-399
English Title:
Instructions given to New Practitioners
Volume: 44
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:399-437
English Title:
Advices for the Gross Rules of Life Style with respect to the Entire Monastic Community regardless of their Status of Living Alone or in a Community that is of main Importance of all Renunciant Meditators of the Karma Kagyü Lineage
Volume: 44
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:437-445
English Title:
The Steps of Conduct for the Vajrayana-Awareness Holders of Khachö Ling from the Great Karma Encampment, which Holds the Complete Perfection of All Teachings
Volume: 44
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:445-451
English Title:
The Instructions in Form of Urgent Advices for Some Practitioners, who act Accordingly as Sons of Shakya
Volume: 44
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:451-469
English Title:
Monastic Constitution for the First Gatsal Karma Shyungluk Ling, Requested Urgently and Given During the Audience in the Great Encampment –the Ornament of the World
Volume: 44
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:469-475
English Title:
The Notes on the Reasons for Building the College of Chokdra, Given to its Sangha, Together with Advices
Volume: 44
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:475-491
English Title:
A Method how the Dagpo Kagyü was Established
Volume: 44
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:491-505
English Title:
Identifing Blessing of the Great Seal
Volume: 44
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:505-531
English Title:
A Conversation that Discusses the Arising of the Self and Others
Volume: 44
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:531-563
English Title:
Letter of Signs That Appear to Lineage Lama
Volume: 44
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:563-577
English Title:
How to Rely on the Lama
Volume: 44
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:577-613
English Title:
The Treatise Elucidating the Vital Points of Dharma Called "The Tantra Bestowing Practical Explanation of Three Vows and the Threefold Training to the Students and the Opportunity Which Has to be Understood and Taught" – the Spoon of Essence
Volume: 44
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:613-623
English Title:
The Essence of the Definitive Meaning Composed by the Non-frightening Sarasvati Herself
Volume: 44
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:623-631
English Title:
The Especially Noble Dedication
Volume: 44
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:631-639
English Title:
The Twenty One Aspirations of Way of Engaging in the Conduct of Bodhisattvas, the Sons of the Victors
Volume: 44
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:639-643
English Title:
The Aspirations Prayers, Bestowed in Nyukla when the Mantra-filling of Sacred Objects was Requested
Volume: 44
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:643-649
English Title:
A Compilation of Aspirations
Volume: 44
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:649-658
English Title:
The Words of Auspiciousness and Dedication Bestowed to the bhikshu Künga Rinchen and the Aspirations Offered by Tsuklak Trengwa to Bhikshu Pongwapa in the Presence of the Victor – the Treasury of Blessing
Volume: 45
Location(volume of author: pages): 5:1-21
English Title:
The Spiritual Biography of the Victorious Drigungpa Khuwön Sum
Volume: 45
Location(volume of author: pages): 5:21-75
English Title:
The Great Discussion Differenciating What is Right and Wrong – the
Volume: 45
Location(volume of author: pages): 5:75-642
English Title:
The Complete Explanation on the First Section of the Single Intention, the Authentic Dharma by the Great Drigungpa Jikten Sum gyi Gönpo, Part One
Volume: 46
Location(volume of author: pages): 6:1-335
English Title:
The Complete Explanation on the First Section of the Single Intention, the Authentic Dharma by the Great Drigungpa Jikten Sum gyi Gönpo, Part Two
Volume: 46
Location(volume of author: pages): 6:335-610
English Title:
The Commentary on the First Section of the Single Intention, the Authentic Dharma
Volume: 47
Location(volume of author: pages): 7:1-227
English Title:
The Karmapa's Great Commentary on the Section of the Individual Liberation in the Single Intention, the Authentic Dharma
Volume: 47
Location(volume of author: pages): 7:227-447
English Title:
The Notes on Section on Bodhicitta from the Single Intention, the Authentic Dharma
Volume: 47
Location(volume of author: pages): 7:447-802
English Title:
The Complete Explanation of the Section on Secret Mantras from the Single Intention, the Authentic Dharma
Volume: 48
Location(volume of author: pages): 8:1-423
English Title:
The Fifth Part of Karmapa's Commentary to Single Intention
Volume: 48
Location(volume of author: pages): 8:423-814
English Title:
The Karmapa's Commentary on the Sixth Part of Single Intention
Volume: 49
Location(volume of author: pages): 9:1-395
English Title:
The Fruition Section of the Great Karmapa's Commentary on Single Intention
Volume: 49
Location(volume of author: pages): 9:395-632
English Title:
The Commentary on the Fourty Teachings of the Single Intention
Volume: 50
Location(volume of author: pages): 10:1-155
English Title:
The Commentary to the Sutra of Individual Liberation – the Mine of Jewels
Volume: 50
Location(volume of author: pages): 10:155-672
English Title:
The Extensive Commentary on the Root Verses of Vinayasutra, with In-depth Analyses of the Main Points, Outline of the Concise Meaning and the Kernel Meaning Explained According to the Order – the Ornament Illuminating the World Called "The Sun Mandala", Volume One
Volume: 51
Location(volume of author: pages): 11:1-614
English Title:
The Extensive Commentary on the Root Verses of Vinayasutra, with In-depth Analyses of the Main Points, Outline of the Concise Meaning and the Kernel Meaning Explained According to the Order – the Ornament Illuminating the World Called "The Sun Mandala", Volume Two
Volume: 52
Location(volume of author: pages): 12:1-648
English Title:
The Extensive Commentary on the Root Verses of Vinayasutra, with In-depth Analyses of the Main Points, Outline of the Concise Meaning and the Kernel Meaning Explained According to the Order – the Ornament Illuminating the World Called "The Sun Mandala", Volume Three
Volume: 53
Location(volume of author: pages): 13:1-656
English Title:
The Extensive Commentary on the Root Verses of Vinayasutra, with In-depth Analyses of the Main Points, Outline of the Concise Meaning and the Kernel Meaning ???? – the Ornament Illuminating the World Called "The Sun Mandala", Volume Four
Volume: 54
Location(volume of author: pages): 14:1-642
English Title:
The Extensive Commentary on the Root Verses of Vinayasutra, with In-depth Analyses of the Main Points, Outline of the Concise Meaning and the Kernel Meaning Explained According to the Order – the Ornament Illuminating the World Called "The Sun Mandala", Volume Five
Volume: 55
Location(volume of author: pages): 15:1-574
English Title:
The Greatly Elaborated Commentary on the Abhidharmakosha Called "Glorious and Perfected Accomplishment and Bliss", Volume One
Volume: 56
Location(volume of author: pages): 16:1-279
English Title:
The Greatly Elaborated Commentary on the Abhidharmakosha Called "Glorious and Perfected Accomplishment and Bliss", Volume Two
Volume: 56
Location(volume of author: pages): 16:279-656
English Title:
The Greatly Elaborated Commentary on the Abhidharmakosha Called "Glorious and Perfected Accomplishment and Bliss", Volume Four
Volume: 57
Location(volume of author: pages): 17:1-704
English Title:
The Greatly Elaborated Commentary on the Abhidharmakosha Called "Glorious and Perfected Accomplishment and Bliss", Volume Three
Volume: 58
Location(volume of author: pages): 18:1-744
English Title:
The First Volume of the Commentary Called "Treatise on the Essencial Instructions of the Prajnaparamita – the Ornament of Clear Realization"
Volume: 59
Location(volume of author: pages): 19:1-736
English Title:
The Second Volume of the Commentary Called "Treatise on the Essencial Instructions of the Prajnaparamita – the Ornament of Clear Realization"
Volume: 60
Location(volume of author: pages): 20:1-13
English Title:
The Extensive Commentary of the Treatise on Pramana, Started First by the Lord of Victors Chödrak Gyatso and Brought to its Entirety Later by the Lord Mikyö Dorje
Volume: 60
Location(volume of author: pages): 20:13-47
English Title:
The Torch Thoroughly Differenciating the System of the Madhyamaka Shentong Proponents
Volume: 60
Location(volume of author: pages): 20:47-67
English Title:
Madhyamaka, the Praise of Dependent Arising Called "Chuwo Waka"
Volume: 60
Location(volume of author: pages): 20:67-113
English Title:
The Commentary to the Madhyamaka, the Praise of Dependent Arising Called "Chuwo Waka"
Volume: 60
Location(volume of author: pages): 20:113-584
English Title:
The Commentary to "Introduction to the Middle Way", the Oral Instructions of the Glorious Düsum Khyenpa Called "The Accomplishment Chariot of Dakpo Kagyü", Volume One
Volume: 61
Location(volume of author: pages): 21:1-558
English Title:
The Commentary to "Introduction to the Middle Way", the Oral Instructions of the Glorious Düsum Khyenpa Called "The Accomplishment Chariot of Dakpo Kagyü", Volume Two
Volume: 62
Location(volume of author: pages): 22:1-203
English Title:
The Extensive Commentary on the Teachings of Kriyatantra Called "The Liberation Bestower for the Path Knowledge Holders" – the Great Tika of Kriyatantra
Volume: 62
Location(volume of author: pages): 22:203-594
English Title:
The Detailed Explanation of Yogatantra Called "Bestower of Liberation for Those Who Wish to be Liberated" (Part One)
Volume: 63
Location(volume of author: pages): 23:1-407
English Title:
The Detailed Explanation of Yogatantra Called "Bestower of Liberation for Those Who Wish to be Liberated" (Part Two)
Volume: 63
Location(volume of author: pages): 23:407-423
English Title:
The General and Specific History of the Glorious Chakrasamvara
Volume: 63
Location(volume of author: pages): 23:423-457
English Title:
The Commentary to the Mahamaya Tantra, Composed by the Lord Himself
Volume: 63
Location(volume of author: pages): 23:457-513
English Title:
The Analysis of Three Lineages of the Lord Yizangpa and the Chakrasamvara Explanations of the Great Scholar Shakya Chokden
Volume: 63
Location(volume of author: pages): 23:513-535
English Title:
The Commentary to the so Called "Valid Cognition Certain in Itself" – The Essence Nectar of the Absolute State
Volume: 63
Location(volume of author: pages): 23:535-549
English Title:
The History of Mahamudra in India, Ornated by the Discourse of Dagpo Kagyü
Volume: 63
Location(volume of author: pages): 23:549-561
English Title:
Dispelling the Mistake of Explaining the Incidental Defilements as the Mind's Ordinary State
Volume: 63
Location(volume of author: pages): 23:561-573
English Title:
The Pointed-out Meaning, Mixed with Hashang
Volume: 63
Location(volume of author: pages): 23:573-579
English Title:
The Separate Explanation of Non-mentation
Volume: 63
Location(volume of author: pages): 23:579-595
English Title:
The Mine Collecting Various Treasures of the Profound Mahamudra
Volume: 63
Location(volume of author: pages): 23:595-599
English Title:
The Commentary to the Fourth Teachings of Naropa in Verses
Volume: 63
Location(volume of author: pages): 23:599-606
English Title:
The Commentary to Spiritual Songs Taught by the Venerable Mila to Lord Gampopa
Volume: 64
Location(volume of author: pages): 24:1-393
English Title:
The Mirror of Great Sun, Illuminating the Conduct and States of Experiences in the Completely Perfect Vajrayana Path of Mahamudra
Volume: 64
Location(volume of author: pages): 24:393-670
English Title:
The Essencial Main Points Bestowed Privately by Master Yangchen Zangpo
Volume: 65
Location(volume of author: pages): 25:1-61
English Title:
(almost same as below)
Volume: 65
Location(volume of author: pages): 25:61-531
English Title:
The Great Commentary Bhagavat Adibuddha The Wheel of Transmigration Ways Human and Non-humans in the Four Epochs ???
Volume: 65
Location(volume of author: pages): 25:531-537
English Title:
The List of Illustrations to the "Iron Chain Orbits"
Volume: 65
Location(volume of author: pages): 25:537-543
English Title:
The List of Illustrations to the "Orbits Similar to Twisted Ball of String"
Volume: 65
Location(volume of author: pages): 25:543-547
English Title:
The Upward Spreading Orbits
Volume: 65
Location(volume of author: pages): 25:547-551
English Title:
The Inscriptions for the "Outwardly Spreading Orbits"
Volume: 65
Location(volume of author: pages): 25:551-555
English Title:
The List of Illustrations to the "Orbits Similar to Twisted Ball of String" , Renown Outside of Tibet
Volume: 65
Location(volume of author: pages): 25:555-558
English Title:
The Illustrations of the "Stacked Helmets" Orbits
Volume: 66
Location(volume of author: pages): 26:1-29
English Title:
The Ritual of the Vow Purification
Volume: 66
Location(volume of author: pages): 26:29-65
English Title:
The Condensed Ritual of the Three Grounds – Clear and Pleasant Understanding
Volume: 66
Location(volume of author: pages): 26:65-461
English Title:
The Presentation, Explanation and Application of the Karma of Monks, Those Connected with Monks, and the Karma of Beings – Accomplishing the Goal Through Seeing
Volume: 66
Location(volume of author: pages): 26:461-526
English Title:
The Unsurpassable Mantra, Madhyamaka and Yogacara Base on the Causal Path, Together with the Ritual of Developing the Bodhicitta
Volume: 67
Location(volume of author: pages): 27:1-19
English Title:
The So Called Conduct Yoga
Volume: 67
Location(volume of author: pages): 27:19-75
English Title:
The Visualisation Guide and Mandala Ritual of the Noble Ushnisha Sitatapatra
Volume: 67
Location(volume of author: pages): 27:75-91
English Title:
The Steps of Practice of Protecting Through the Wheel of Sitatapatra
Volume: 67
Location(volume of author: pages): 27:91-151
English Title:
The Offering Ritual of the 108 Stupas Taught in the Ushnisaprabhasha
Volume: 67
Location(volume of author: pages): 27:151-181
English Title:
The Visualisation Guide and Mandala of the Noble Zayum – The Pacifier of all the Poisons
Volume: 67
Location(volume of author: pages): 27:181-191
English Title:
The Torma Ritual of Jvalamukti
Volume: 67
Location(volume of author: pages): 27:191-201
English Title:
The Purification of Obstacles Called "Tanak Dergang ma" in the Tradition of the Victors from Kahtog
Volume: 67
Location(volume of author: pages): 27:201-209
English Title:
The Ritual of Protecting the Substances Based on the Wrathful Dütsi Trilpa
Volume: 67
Location(volume of author: pages): 27:209-217
English Title:
The Practice Guide, Permission Empowerment and the Practice Steps of Ucchusma
Volume: 67
Location(volume of author: pages): 27:217-253
English Title:
The Practice Guide of the Five Long-life Sisters and the Ritual of the Bhagavat Vajravarahi
Volume: 67
Location(volume of author: pages): 27:253-257
English Title:
Inviting the Female Protector Dorje Yudrönma
Volume: 67
Location(volume of author: pages): 27:257-271
English Title:
The Practice Guide of the Venerable Jampé Pal in Union – the Volume on the Methods of the Wisdom Sword
Volume: 67
Location(volume of author: pages): 27:271-277
English Title:
The Practice Guide of the Venerable Manjugosha
Volume: 67
Location(volume of author: pages): 27:277-283
English Title:
The Concise Practice Guide of the Wishfulfilling Wheel of Sitatārā
Volume: 67
Location(volume of author: pages): 27:283-287
English Title:
The Torma Ritual of the Three Razors
Volume: 67
Location(volume of author: pages): 27:287-359
English Title:
The Ritual of Bestowing Empowerment, Offering and Meditation Guide for the Bhagavat Trisamayavyuharaja – The Burner of the Two-fold Obscurations
Volume: 67
Location(volume of author: pages): 27:359-421
English Title:
The Practice Guide and Mandala of the Abhisambodhi of Vairochana – the Smiling Moon Crest
Volume: 67
Location(volume of author: pages): 27:421-449
English Title:
The Way of Practicing the Mandala and Practice Guide of the Glorious Vajrapani Surrounded by the Eight Great Nagas
Volume: 67
Location(volume of author: pages): 27:449-519
English Title:
The Practice Guide and Mandala of the Great Sarvavid Vairochana Called "The Good Liberating Path of the Great Gate of the Free Play", also Known as "The Great Path of Liberation" and as "The Completely Liberating Bliss"
Volume: 67
Location(volume of author: pages): 27:519-534
English Title:
Affixing the Four Seals to the Main Points of the Practice Guide and Mandala of the Bhagavat Sarvavid
Volume: 68
Location(volume of author: pages): 28:1-71
English Title:
The Practice Guide for the Thirteen Deities of Bhairawa in the Tradition of the Great Teacher Lalitavajra
Volume: 68
Location(volume of author: pages): 28:71-169
English Title:
The Mandala Ritual for the Thirteen Deities of the Glorious Vajrabhairava
Volume: 68
Location(volume of author: pages): 28:169-211
English Title:
The Practice Steps for the Wrathful Torma of the Bhagavat Bhairawa – the Pacifier of Hosts of Maras
Volume: 68
Location(volume of author: pages): 28:211-303
English Title:
The Practice Guide and Mandala of the Bhagavat Red Yamantaka – Bestower of What is Desired in Meditation and Practice
Volume: 68
Location(volume of author: pages): 28:303-397
English Title:
The Visualisation Guide and the Offering Garland for the Two Goddesses, Akshobhya and the Glorious Guhyasamaja Together with the Supplementation Ritual Composed by Rangjung Dorje
Volume: 68
Location(volume of author: pages): 28:397-519
English Title:
The Practice Guide and Mandala Ritual of Manjushri, the Glorious Bhagavat Guhyasamaja – the Sugata Dayaka
Volume: 68
Location(volume of author: pages): 28:519-569
English Title:
The General Mandala Ritual for the Father Tantras such as the Guhyasamaja
Volume: 68
Location(volume of author: pages): 28:569-590
English Title:
The Practice Guide, Mandala and Completion Phase of the Glorious Mahamaya
Volume: 69
Location(volume of author: pages): 29:1-11
English Title:
The Essencial Instructions of the Four Vajrasanas – the Permission Empowerment Through Wisdom dakini Purifying the Obstacles
Volume: 69
Location(volume of author: pages): 29:11-27
English Title:
The Visualisation Guide, Mandala, Ganacakra and Offerings of the Five Deities of Hevajra
Volume: 69
Location(volume of author: pages): 29:27-39
English Title:
The Purifier of Obstacles of Netshang by Gönpo Drigungpa
Volume: 69
Location(volume of author: pages): 29:39-111
English Title:
The Practice Guide, Offering and Self-empowerement of the Glorious Samvara in the Maitripa's Tradition, Composed by the Venerable Yangchen Shyepa
Volume: 69
Location(volume of author: pages): 29:111-139
English Title:
The Visualisation Guide of Chakrasamvara with Five Deities in Verses
Volume: 69
Location(volume of author: pages): 29:139-193
English Title:
The Ritual of the Glorious Chakrasamvara Mandala with Five Deities in Verses
Volume: 69
Location(volume of author: pages): 29:193-199
English Title:
The Chakrasamvara Practice Guide
Volume: 69
Location(volume of author: pages): 29:199-221
English Title:
The Visualisation Guide, Empowerment and Explanation for the Glorious Four-armed Wisdom Protector with Thirty Deities
Volume: 69
Location(volume of author: pages): 29:221-237
English Title:
The Ritual of Offering Torma to Karmapa's Dharma Protectors, Yidams and Lamas, Indian Text of the Invocation and Offering to the Glorious Mahakala,
Volume: 69
Location(volume of author: pages): 29:237-489
English Title:
The Practice Guide and Mandala of the Glorious Bhagavat Kalacakra, Bestowing all the Benefit and Happiness
Volume: 69
Location(volume of author: pages): 29:489-513
English Title:
The Ritual of the Glorious Bhagavat Kalacakra, Vigorously Making the Primorial Consciousness to Descent, in the Transmission of the Venerable Lady Ngokné
Volume: 69
Location(volume of author: pages): 29:513-592
English Title:
The Fire Puja Ritual of the Outer Tantras, Burning the Four Maras and Two Obscurations and Emanating Light Rays
Volume: 70
Location(volume of author: pages): 30:1-4
English Title:
The Gradual Essencial Instructions, Explanations and Advices of the Eighth Karmapa Mikyö Dorje, the Lord of Victors – The First Volume of the Virtuous Tree of the Amrita of Immortality
Volume: 70
Location(volume of author: pages): 30:4-7
English Title:
The Explanation of the Death and Impermanence
Volume: 70
Location(volume of author: pages): 30:7-22
English Title:
The Explanation of the Praises and Blames of This Life, Cast to the Wind
Volume: 70
Location(volume of author: pages): 30:22-48
English Title:
The Advice on the Concise Presentation of the Hinayana Path
Volume: 70
Location(volume of author: pages): 30:48-134
English Title:
The Commentary to the "Long Talk to Myself" of Potowa
Volume: 70
Location(volume of author: pages): 30:134-165
English Title:
The Explanation of the Decisive Weariness
Volume: 70
Location(volume of author: pages): 30:165-176
English Title:
The Explanation of Renouncing the Samsara
Volume: 70
Location(volume of author: pages): 30:176-185
English Title:
The Explanation of Contentment
Volume: 70
Location(volume of author: pages): 30:185-191
English Title:
The Explanation for the Mahamudra Practice of Quiescence
Volume: 70
Location(volume of author: pages): 30:191-202
English Title:
The Concise Explanation of the Path Stages of the Three Types of Practitioners
Volume: 70
Location(volume of author: pages): 30:202-275
English Title:
The Gradual Explanation Given to Nephew, the Governor of Kurabpa
Volume: 70
Location(volume of author: pages): 30:275-282
English Title:
The Particular Method of Calming the Mind
Volume: 70
Location(volume of author: pages): 30:282-287
English Title:
The Notes on the Essencial Point for the Practice of Mahamudra
Volume: 70
Location(volume of author: pages): 30:287-303
English Title:
The Explanation of the Mind Training
Volume: 70
Location(volume of author: pages): 30:303-311
English Title:
The Application of the Joys and Sorrows
Volume: 70
Location(volume of author: pages): 30:311-336
English Title:
The Essencial Instructions on the Mind Training of the Two Types of Bodhicitta
Volume: 70
Location(volume of author: pages): 30:336-338
English Title:
The Meditation on the Bodhicitta "Zhag chik ma"
Volume: 70
Location(volume of author: pages): 30:338-381
English Title:
The Explanation on the Relative Bodhicitta in the Tradition of AtiSa
Volume: 70
Location(volume of author: pages): 30:381-386
English Title:
The Essencial Instructions on Mixing the Energy Winds and Bodhicitta
Volume: 70
Location(volume of author: pages): 30:386-400
English Title:
The Explanation on Bodhicitta
Volume: 70
Location(volume of author: pages): 30:400-526
English Title:
The Meaning of the Paramita of Wisdom – the Profound and Vast Essencial Instructions on the two Types of Bodhicitta as Differenciated by the two Tenet Founders
Volume: 70
Location(volume of author: pages): 30:526-536
English Title:
The Explanation on What to Reject and Its Antidotes on the Path of the Mahayana Paramitas
Volume: 71
Location(volume of author: pages): 31:1-2
English Title:
The Instructions of the Lord of Victors, the Eighth Karmapa Mikyö Dorje, Stages of Essencial Instructions – The Second Volume of the Beautiful Tree of Immortal Ambrosia
Volume: 71
Location(volume of author: pages): 31:2-12
English Title:
The Direct Instructions for Mahakarunika, the Noble Avalokiteshvara – Meaning Explanation of the Three Essencial Goals
Volume: 71
Location(volume of author: pages): 31:12-39
English Title:
The Meaning Explanation of the Three Essencial Goals
Volume: 71
Location(volume of author: pages): 31:39-60
English Title:
The Meditation Instructions for the Seven-fold Introduction by the Victorious Yangönpa
Volume: 71
Location(volume of author: pages): 31:60-66
English Title:
The Profound Explanation to Severance
Volume: 71
Location(volume of author: pages): 31:66-87
English Title:
The Meditation Instructions for Severance
Volume: 71
Location(volume of author: pages): 31:87-95
English Title:
The Ritual of Meditation upon the Accumulation of the Five Points
Volume: 71
Location(volume of author: pages): 31:95-100
English Title:
The Explanation of the Mahamudra in Five Points
Volume: 71
Location(volume of author: pages): 31:100-119
English Title:
Fifteen Points of the Essecial Instruction on Mahamudra
Volume: 71
Location(volume of author: pages): 31:119-125
English Title:
Mahamudra in the Tradition of Gampopa
Volume: 71
Location(volume of author: pages): 31:125-155
English Title:
The "Focusing on the Equal Taste" by the Lord Götsangpa
Volume: 71
Location(volume of author: pages): 31:155-200
English Title:
The Profound Explanation of Devotion Mahamudra in the Tradition of the Victorious Götsangpa
Volume: 71
Location(volume of author: pages): 31:200-203
English Title:
The Profound Extraordinary Visualisation and Recitation of Lama Vajrasattva
Volume: 71
Location(volume of author: pages): 31:203-213
English Title:
The Profound Sealed Concise Instructions "Drib sel né tsen ma" of the Protector Drigungpa
Volume: 71
Location(volume of author: pages): 31:213-258
English Title:
How to Rely on and Achieve the Level of the Glorious and Genuine Lama
Volume: 71
Location(volume of author: pages): 31:258-276
English Title:
The Meditation Instructions for the Seven Points on Devotion, Together with the Authoritative Commentary
Volume: 71
Location(volume of author: pages): 31:276-291
English Title:
The Practice Guide of the Outer, Inner and Secret Lama – Explanation to the Devotional Appeals
Volume: 71
Location(volume of author: pages): 31:291-334
English Title:
The Explanation to Mahamudra, Bestowed Personally from Sangye Nyenpa
Volume: 71
Location(volume of author: pages): 31:334-342
English Title:
The Practice of Spiritual Biography and Appeals of the Victorious Karmapa Chödrak Gyatso
Volume: 71
Location(volume of author: pages): 31:342-346
English Title:
The Meaning Explanation on "Dor te ma", the Appeal Composed by Künkhyen Jampal Zangpo from Bengar
Volume: 71
Location(volume of author: pages): 31:346-358
English Title:
The Experiencial Instructions on Mahamudra, Distinguishing What to Abandon and What to Understand, in the Ancient Tradition of Dakpo Kagyü
Volume: 71
Location(volume of author: pages): 31:358-389
English Title:
The Experiencial Biography and Explanation of Mahamudra – the Garland of Utpalas
Volume: 71
Location(volume of author: pages): 31:389-401
English Title:
The Explanation of the Highest Lineage and the Fivefold Mahamudra of Lord Karmapa
Volume: 71
Location(volume of author: pages): 31:401-416
English Title:
The Very Profound Method of How to Maintain the Union with the Innate of Gampopa
Volume: 71
Location(volume of author: pages): 31:416-430
English Title:
The Explanation of Mahamudra Bestowed Personally by Sangye Nyenpa, the Supreme One Among Yogis
Volume: 71
Location(volume of author: pages): 31:430-435
English Title:
The Profound Explanation of Mahamudra
Volume: 71
Location(volume of author: pages): 31:435-476
English Title:
The Explanation on the Practice of Mahamudra in Kamtshang
Volume: 71
Location(volume of author: pages): 31:476-488
English Title:
The Explanation on How to Choose the Path
Volume: 71
Location(volume of author: pages): 31:488-505
English Title:
Stages of the Path for the Karma Kamtshang meditators, for those who wish to Set out Towards the Highest Liberation – How to Avoid Unfavourable Aspects to the Path and How to Accomplish Favourable
Volume: 71
Location(volume of author: pages): 31:505-528
English Title:
The Extraordinary Dedication and Resolve
Volume: 72
Location(volume of author: pages): 32:1-515
English Title:
The Essencial Instructions on the Building-up and Completion Phases of the Bhagavat Vajrabhairava
Volume: 72
Location(volume of author: pages): 32:515-520
English Title:
The Stages of Recitation in Bhagavat Chakrasamvara
Volume: 72
Location(volume of author: pages): 32:520-523
English Title:
The Practice of the Sound Evam
Volume: 72
Location(volume of author: pages): 32:523-538
English Title:
The Essencial Intructions on Mixing and Transfering in the Six Dharmas of Naropa
Volume: 73
Location(volume of author: pages): 33:1-11
English Title:
The Leading Through Fierce Candali
Volume: 73
Location(volume of author: pages): 33:11-21
English Title:
The Oral Advices to the Important Points of the Preliminary Practices to the Approach-Accomplishment
Volume: 73
Location(volume of author: pages): 33:21-91
English Title:
The Essencial Instructions on the Three Vajras, Bestowed Personally by the Venerable Yangcan Zango
Volume: 73
Location(volume of author: pages): 33:91-97
English Title:
The Indian Text of the Six Unions in the Tradition of the Glorious Samvara
Volume: 73
Location(volume of author: pages): 33:97-293
English Title:
The Explanation of the Extended Commentary to the Six Branches of the Glorious Samvara
Volume: 73
Location(volume of author: pages): 33:293-513
English Title:
The Explanation of Fifth Stage of the Bell, Fully Bestowed by the Master Yangchen Zangpo
Volume: 73
Location(volume of author: pages): 33:513-516
English Title:
The Appeal to the Root and Lineage Lamas of the Fifth Stage of the Bell
Volume: 74
Location(volume of author: pages): 34:1-538
English Title:
The First Volume of the Presentation of the Introduction to the Three Bodies – the Evam mudra of the Sutra and Tantra Teachings
Volume: 75
Location(volume of author: pages): 35:1-518
English Title:
The Second Volume of "The Presentation of the Introduction to the Three and Four Bodies – the Evam mudra"
Volume: 76
Location(volume of author: pages): 36:1-518
English Title:
The Third Volume of "The Presentation of the Introduction to the Three and Four Bodies – the Evam mudra"
Volume: 77
Location(volume of author: pages): 37:1-323
English Title:
The Fourth Volume of "The Presentation of the Introduction to the Three and Four Bodies – the Evam mudra"
Volume: 77
Location(volume of author: pages): 37:323-327
English Title:
The Secret Essencial Instructions for Those with Sharp Faculties, from Beginners up to Great Yogis, on how to Train in Giving and Taking Empowerments of the Great Predecessors, the Vajra Masters of the Excellent Ultimate Meaning
Volume: 77
Location(volume of author: pages): 37:327-331
English Title:
Mahamudra VajraSutra
Volume: 77
Location(volume of author: pages): 37:331-349
English Title:
The Preface to the Mahamudra VajraSutra – the Talk About Grasping at the Reality of Illusory Appearences out of my Experience
Volume: 77
Location(volume of author: pages): 37:349-367
English Title:
The Explanation of Experiences of the Mahamudra VajraSutra
Volume: 77
Location(volume of author: pages): 37:367-497
English Title:
The Six Dharmas of Naropa, Bestowed by the Venerable Mikyö Dorje
Volume: 77
Location(volume of author: pages): 37:497-503
English Title:
The Transmission Lineage of the Sealed Teachings of Zhang
Volume: 77
Location(volume of author: pages): 37:503-606
English Title:
From the Renown Sealed Teachings of Yu Drakpa, the Protector of Beings from Zhang – the Speech Miracle of Zhang Rinpoche, the Protector of Beings, who Blessed Nyenpa Drubtob in a Dream
Volume: 78
Location(volume of author: pages): 38:1-612
English Title:
The Explanations on Inseparability of Mind and Energy Winds, a Text Fully Bestowed by Jetsün dampa Yangchen Zangpo
Volume: 79
Location(volume of author: pages): 39:1-27
English Title:
The Five Nails of Naro
Volume: 79
Location(volume of author: pages): 39:27-35
English Title:
The Concise Explanation of Meaning of Pacifying and Clarifying of Obstacles and the Ritual Starting with "Né Jong Drak bé"
Volume: 79
Location(volume of author: pages): 39:35-55
English Title:
The Complete Removal of Obstacles – the Advice of Rangjung Dorje
Volume: 79
Location(volume of author: pages): 39:55-61
English Title:
The Appraisal and Appreciation of the Rebirths – the Essencial Instructions of the Glorious Rangjung
Volume: 79
Location(volume of author: pages): 39:61-73
English Title:
The Essencial Instructions Which Delight Like Moisture Delights Body
Volume: 79
Location(volume of author: pages): 39:73-570
English Title:
The One Hundred Thousand Talks About Mahamudra
Volume: 80
Location(volume of author: pages): 40:1-233
English Title:
Some Useful Explanations Radiated from Glorious Dakpo Kagyü
Volume: 80
Location(volume of author: pages): 40:233-257
English Title:
The Explanation Radiated from the Inseparability of Samsara and Nirvana, Taught by Karmapa Mikyö Dorje
Volume: 80
Location(volume of author: pages): 40:257-371
English Title:
The Perfectly Pure Secret Narration Radiated from the Secret and Sealed Spiritual Biography of Zhang, Protector of Beings
Volume: 80
Location(volume of author: pages): 40:371-554
English Title:
The Condensed Essence of the Ṣadangayoga
Volume: 81
Location(volume of author: pages): 41:1-535
English Title:
Explanation to the Commentary which Presents Very Clearly the Meaning of the Content of the Kapala tika
Volume: 81
Location(volume of author: pages): 41:535-682
English Title:
The tika of the Volume Ka of Déjor Rinchen Jungné – the Delight to See