Wangchuk Dorje,1556–1603
Volume: 82
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:1-39
English Title:
The Amazing, Variegated Outline of the Collected Works of the Glorious Karmapa Wangchuk Dorje, The Names of the Perfect Buddha, the Victorious One, Which Are Difficult to Express
Volume: 82
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:39-245
English Title:
The Spiritual Biography of the Lord of Victorious Ones Wangchuk Dorje – The Great Treasure of Prosperity and Joy
Volume: 82
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:245-269
English Title:
A Cycle of Teachings given in the presence of the Ninth Karmapa, the Master of Compassion, Lord of the Victorious Ones – The Golden Yoke of Utmost Splendour
Volume: 82
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:269-307
English Title:
A Set of Answers Given in the Presence of the Victorious One Wangchuk Dorje, the Lord Pervading All Spheres – the Sun Which Removes the Doubts and Darkness of Mind
Volume: 82
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:307-411
English Title:
A Set of Letters Given in the Presence of Karmapa Wangchuk Dorje, the Lord of Dharma – Garland of Ornaments Increasing Fortune
Volume: 82
Location(volume of author: pages): 1:411-434
English Title:
Silver Stupa of Könchok Yenlak, the Victorious One – The Wish-fulfilling Gem Granting All Wishes: Table of Contents
Short description:
Outline of the Collected writings of the Fifth Shamar Rinpoche, the Root Teacher of the Ninth Karmapa.
Volume: 83
Location(volume of author: pages): 2:1-672
English Title:
Detailed Commentary on the Abhidharmakosha, Essence of the Ocean of Abhidharma. Advice on Knowledge and Kindness, Eloquent Explanation of the Youthful Manifestation – A Chariot of Bliss Establishing the Discriminating Dharma Eye
Volume: 84
Location(volume of author: pages): 3:1-562
English Title:
The Great Introductory Commentary – The Feast of the Fortune Blissfully Pulling the Chariot Established by the Dhagpo Lineage
Volume: 85
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:1-11
English Title:
The Short and Summarized Meaning of Madhyamaka as Given by the Wangchuk Dorje, the Mighty Lord of all the Families
Volume: 85
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:11-73
English Title:
The Outline of the Great Introductory tika Bestowed by the Lord Mikyö
Volume: 85
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:73-151
English Title:
The Great Door of Liberation that Opens the Middle which is Free from Extremes - The Rain of the Nectar of Defenetive Meaning similarly called "The Bhagavan Tathagata" - A Compendium of Important Points, the Ocean of Dharma Guidelines as the Fearless Lion's Roar to Destroy Imaginations and Illusions - The Granting of the Surpreme Definitive Meaning
Volume: 85
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:151-175
English Title:
The Daily Recitation of the Four Preliminary Practices for The Mahamudra Innate Union of the Karma Kamtsang Practice Lineage – The Chariot that Traverses the Path of the Noble Ones
Volume: 85
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:175-459
English Title:
The Profound Instructions on Sahajayoga Mahamudra – The Essence of the Ocean of Definitive Meaning, Light Rays of Enlightened Activity
Volume: 85
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:459-515
English Title:
Mahamudra That Dispels the Darkness of Ignorance
Volume: 85
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:515-563
English Title:
Notes on Sahajayoga-Mahamudra – The Torch Illuminating the Essence, The Extract of the Nectar, Pointing Out Instruction that – Like a Finger – Points Out the Dharmakaya
Volume: 85
Location(volume of author: pages): 4:563-572
English Title:
Root Text and Outline of "The Explanations on the Sahajayoga Mahamudra"
Volume: 86
Location(volume of author: pages): 5:1-39
English Title:
Supplementary Teachings on the Profound Path of the Six Dharmas of Naropa – The Very Essence of Nectar of Definitive Meaning Given by the Exhalted Wangchuk Dorje, Notes of the Precious Lama
Volume: 86
Location(volume of author: pages): 5:39-227
English Title:
The Swift Path Manifesting the Supreme Siddhi – the Spiritual Vajra Songs of the Kagyü Lamas, The Raincloud of Wisdom of Spontaneous Self-liberation, The Essence of the Blazing Ocean of Definitive Meaning, The Source of Prosperity and Joy
Short description:
A very famous collection of about four dozens of spiritual songs related to the Kagyü traditions, usually referred to simply as "Rain Clouds of Wisdom".
Volume: 86
Location(volume of author: pages): 5:227-261
English Title:
Chart of Tunes (Drawn Above the Text) of the Spiritual Songs – Rainclouds of Wisdom of Spontaneous Self-liberation, The Essence of the Blazing Ocean of Definitive Meaning
Volume: 86
Location(volume of author: pages): 5:261-287
English Title:
Extended and Summarized Empowerment Ritual of Chakrasamvara
Volume: 86
Location(volume of author: pages): 5:287-337
English Title:
Practice of Amitayus, the Unmeasured Vajra Voice Abandoning all Lies – Building-up and Completion Phase Known as the Combined Sadhana of the Three Roots Together with its Empowerment, the Vase of Immortality Nectar, Instantly Fullfilling all Hopes of the Fortunate Ones
Volume: 86
Location(volume of author: pages): 5:337-359
English Title:
The Visualisation Guide of Guru Drakpo Eliminating all Obstacles, Giving Complete Liberation and Bliss
Volume: 86
Location(volume of author: pages): 5:359-491
English Title:
The Practice of Guhyapati, Overcoming the Hordes of Mara – The Blazing Sun, A Razor for the Life-force of the Samaya Violators
Short description:
Guhyapati is an alternative name for the wrathful aspect of Vajrapani. The name here refers to the fact that he "holds the secrets" i.e. that he is the protector of the tantric teachings.
Volume: 86
Location(volume of author: pages): 5:491-531
English Title:
The Practice of the Wrathful Vajrapani Together With the Permission Empowerment – Glorious, Blazing Blessing that Vanquishes the Malignant
Volume: 86
Location(volume of author: pages): 5:531-564
English Title:
The Practice of Hayagriva Together with Torma Empowerment – The Feast of the Fortunate, The Essence Subduing all the Poisons, A Comprehensible Explanation of the Meaning Completely Burning Negative Forces
Short description:
Hayagriva, "The Horse-Necked One", is one of the central aspects among the class of wrathful tantric deities. He is said to be an aspect of Amitabha or Avalokiteshvara.
Volume: 87
Location(volume of author: pages): 6:1-101
English Title:
The Practice of the Eleven-faced Mahakarunika Together With the Empowerment By Which the Ritual Formulas are Obtained and the Ritual of Nyungné – The Spontaneous Two Truths
Volume: 87
Location(volume of author: pages): 6:101-123
English Title:
The Practice of the Vajrapani, the Tamer of Spirits Together with the Permission Empowerment – The Meteoric Iron Sword Supressing all Enemies and Obstructors
Volume: 87
Location(volume of author: pages): 6:123-145
English Title:
The Practice on the Glorious Red Hayagriva and Niguma Together with its Permission Empowerment – Dispeller of Obstacles, Subjugating the Four Maras
Volume: 87
Location(volume of author: pages): 6:145-179
English Title:
The Practice of Vajravidarana – the Stage of Sweeping and Cleaning Permission Empowerment, Activity of Seeing and Knowing, Smiling Face Emitting Light, the Great Appearance
Short description:
Vajravidarana is a meditation deity, which in the anuttarayogatantra-class is blue, wrathful and belongs to the 75-deity mandala of the Sakya school as of the tradition of Virūpa.
Volume: 87
Location(volume of author: pages): 6:179-253
English Title:
The Visualisation Guide, Practice, Meditation and Recitation of the Peaceful Yidams – The Precious Garland Bestowing all that is Desired and Needed
Volume: 87
Location(volume of author: pages): 6:253-357
English Title:
The Visualisation Guide, Practice, Meditation and Recitation of the Wrathful Yidams – The Precious Garland Removing all Obstacles, Spontaneously Accomplishing the Two Benefits
Volume: 87
Location(volume of author: pages): 6:357-375
English Title:
Permission Empowerments "Knowing One Liberates All"
Short description:
A compilation of empowerments on forty-five different meditation aspects.
Volume: 87
Location(volume of author: pages): 6:375-413
English Title:
General Outline of the Permission Empowerments "Knowing One Liberates All" Arranged for Convenient Reading
Volume: 87
Location(volume of author: pages): 6:413-447
English Title:
Visualisation Guide of Peaceful Yidams – The Vajra Garland of Empowerment Teachings
Volume: 87
Location(volume of author: pages): 6:447-531
English Title:
Dharma Teachings on Cause and Effect, Distinguishing of Tantra Classes, Stories of Individual Deities, Arranged Transmission Lineages – the Precious Gemstone of Profound Key Points
Volume: 87
Location(volume of author: pages): 6:531-540
English Title:
General Outline of all the Permission Empowerments, Followed With the Manner in Which Those are To Be Practiced, Arranged as An Offering that Instructs On the Collection and Annotations
Volume: 88
Location(volume of author: pages): 7:1-141
English Title:
Extended Consecration Ritual in the Tantra Tradition Together With a Decisive, Extensive Analysis, Bestowing the Highest All-pervading Goodness
Volume: 88
Location(volume of author: pages): 7:141-203
English Title:
Consecration Ritual – the Very Essence of the Undeluded Tantras, the Rain of Auspiciousness
Volume: 88
Location(volume of author: pages): 7:203-217
English Title:
Verses on Hundred Tormas, Giving the Highest Prosperity and Joy
Short description:
100 tormas refers to a ritual feast offering of tormas to propitiate tantric deities.
Volume: 88
Location(volume of author: pages): 7:217-299
English Title:
Burnt Offering of Outer Tantras, Burning the Four Maras and Two Types of Obscurations, Opening by Light – Authoritative Composition by the Teacher Mikyö Dorje, Swiftly Accomplishing the Four Types of Activity
Volume: 88
Location(volume of author: pages): 7:299-333
English Title:
Burnt Offering of Outer Tantras, Burning the Four Maras and Two Types of Obscurations, Making the Light of the Two Accumulations Emanate
Volume: 88
Location(volume of author: pages): 7:333-489
English Title:
The Great Outer Practice of the Glorious Protector Bernakchen – Chanting That Brings About the Effect, Taking Away the Vitality of Enemies and Obstacles, The Horribly Fierce Roar
Short description:
Should be read together with the two following works as they seem to refer to the three levels of Mahakala Bernakchen practice.
Volume: 88
Location(volume of author: pages): 7:489-543
English Title:
The Inner Practice of the Glorious Bernakchen – the Vajra Fruit, Very Swift Activity
Short description:
Should be read together with the two following works as they seem to refer to the three levels of Mahakala Bernakchen practice.
Volume: 88
Location(volume of author: pages): 7:543-568
English Title:
The Secret Practice of the Glorious Bernakchen – One Kapala Session: The King of Power and Strength
Short description:
Should be read together with the two preceding works as they seem to refer to three levels of Mahakala Bernakchen practice.
Volume: 89
Location(volume of author: pages): 8:1-51
English Title:
An Easily Understandable Chart of Tunes for (the Practice of) the Glorious Wisdom Protector Bernakchen and his Retinue
Volume: 89
Location(volume of author: pages): 8:51-319
English Title:
Practice of Shridevi – Elucidation of Three Levels, the Thunderbolt Liberating Negative Forces, Swiftly Bestowing the Siddhi to the Fortunate
Volume: 89
Location(volume of author: pages): 8:319-357
English Title:
Visualisation Manual of the Glorious Four-armed Mahakala – Liturgies Bestowing Swiftly the Highest Activity, Arranged for Convinient Reading Through
Short description:
"Four-armed Protector" is the name for Mahakala with four arms. Chaturbhujamahakala is, along with the six- and two-armed Mahakala, one of the main protection aspects in the Kagyü School.
Volume: 89
Location(volume of author: pages): 8:357-387
English Title:
Visualisation Guide of Male Dharma Protectors – Swiftly Covering with Activity
Volume: 89
Location(volume of author: pages): 8:387-415
English Title:
Visualisation Guide of Female Dharma Protectors – Swiftly Accomplishing the Four Types of Activities
Volume: 89
Location(volume of author: pages): 8:415-443
English Title:
Razor of Activity that Cuts Just by Touching, the Sword of the Excellent Wisdom Fire – Striking Rite that Annihilates the Enemies of the Teachings
Volume: 89
Location(volume of author: pages): 8:443-475
English Title:
Torma Offering for Protectors of Tsari such as the Glorious Shyingkyong in Union and Others – Swiftly Accomplishing the Activity
Short description:
Tsari, short for Tsaritra, is a famous meditation cave, closely associated with several of the Kagyü masters, among which was the 5th Shamar Rinpoche, who composed there the famous supplication "Calling the Lama from Afar".
Volume: 89
Location(volume of author: pages): 8:475-511
English Title:
Visualisation Guide, Supplication and Offering to the Masters of Tsari, Gampo Lhatse and Yudrönma – the Source of all Siddhis, Subjugating Enemies and Those Who Create Obstacles
Short description:
Gampo Lhatse and Dorje Yudrönma are so called lokapalas, protective local deities. Gampo Lhatse is said to be the protector of Gampopa, his monastery and teachings, while Dorje Yudrönma is a female protective form associated with prophetic practices and divination.
Volume: 89
Location(volume of author: pages): 8:511-565
English Title:
Torma Ritual of Kharnak Dorje Gyalpo, Bestowing all that is Wished and Needed
Short description:
Karnak Dorje Gyalpo is the local protector of Tsurpu.
Volume: 89
Location(volume of author: pages): 8:565-582
English Title:
Stages of Supplication and Offering to the Tsengös, Accomplishing All the Activities